Good morning, Marketer, and where does value come from?

Epic Games raised $2 billion in funding from the likes of Sony, and the Fortnite maker is now valued at close to $32 billion. This comes after an even bigger acquisition of Activision Blizzard by Microsoft this year.

Marketers know that this value comes from the number of gamers on these platforms and time spent. When brands meet customers where they are, they get much more meaningful time to engage. They don’t have to get in and get out so quickly.

Chris Wood,

The Digital Markets Act will have downstream effects on marketers and consumers

Ripples will spread beyond the tech giants, but right now its hard to predict specific outcomes.

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Digital audio and video ad spending increased more than 50% last year

Final numbers from 2021 show digital channels are up despite measurement challenges and regulations.

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2022’s trends in digital marketing

Marketers are still adapting to the major disruptions of the past several years. Buyers, though, still expect marketers to provide personalization and enjoyable experiences. Luckily, the technology and data that can help are becoming more accessible.

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Brightcom partners with Intent IQ

Brightcom's SSP and DSP IDs aim to aggregate using Intent IQ's graph.

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Third-party cookies are dying. And honestly? Good riddance.

There is a better way. With a first-party measurement strategy, you can get to the heart of marketing’s impact using outcome-oriented measures like conversions, leads, sales and, ultimately, ROI. It’s the kind of reporting your stakeholders want. And once media platforms can no longer accurately report on conversions, it’s the only kind of reporting you’ll be able to deliver. Download this guide and find out how to measure and communicate the value of marketing in a cookieless world.

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Why we care about traditional content management systems, the original no-code tool

CMSs empower marketers to control the creation, display, and sharing of content online. Here's what you should know about them.

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Is the metaverse going to go big or go home?

Some statistics to help you come to your own conclusion.

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Quote of the day. “’Marketing ops is the IT of marketing.’ Understood, but I actually don’t like this metaphor. Why? IT focuses on: stability, compliance, maintenance, troubleshooting. Important yes, but it leaves little room for: martech innovation, marketing experimentation, continually raising the bar on campaign standards, strategic prioritization of projects and opportunities.” Darrell Alfonso, marketing ops manager, AWS. Read more here.

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