Plus, how bipartisanship should be the means, not the goal, and more...
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March 4, 2021
The Deficit Hawks That Make Moderate Democrats Cower

Despite decades of being wrong, the Committee for a Responsible Federal Budget still calls the tune in Washington.

By Alex Yablon


The Unnatural Endurance of Bipartisanship How did “working across the aisle” become the goal and not merely the means?The Politics of Everything Podcast Hosted By Laura Marsh and Alex Pareene
Pence Is Still Pushing Trump’s Big Lie The former vice president reemerges from a brief hiatus in the throes of Stockholm Syndrome.By Matt Ford
Dr. Seuss! Mr. Potato Head! Why the Culture Wars Have Never Been Dumber Donald Trump has left a void in the discourse that is being filled with vapid nonsense.By Alex Shephard
The Cult of the Thuggish Democratic Politician Obsessed with looking tough, the party has elevated bullies like Andrew Cuomo for years. Is that changing?By Walter Shapiro


Rip Up the Unemployment System and Start Again A year of mass unemployment has revealed the failures of a cruelly designed, state-run system. We can build something better.By Jacob Silverman
Chang-Rae Lee Skewers a Globalized Get-Rich-Quick Scheme Rampant capitalism and a search for identity collide in “My Year Abroad.”By Jennifer Wilson


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