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Monday, November 20, 2017
Top Stories

Drake & Scull reports third quarter net loss of $97m

Drake & Scull International (DSI) reported a net loss of $97m (AED359m) in Q3 2017.

Empower holds meeting on new district cooling guidelines for 2018

District cooling services provider Emirates Central Cooling Systems Corporation (Empower) held a ‘Consultants’ Meet’ in Dubai to discuss the new district cooling guidelines for 2018

Expert: Sustainability should work through building life cycle

Sustainability is not just a design aspiration, but it’s something to work through the life of the building, said Hywel Davies, CIBSE technical director, at a conference held in Dubai

Tabreed reports 8% net profit increase in Q3 2017

UAE-based National Central Cooling Company released its 2017 third quarter consolidated financial results that stated that its net profit increased by 8% to $79m (AED290.4m)

ASHRAE seeks comments on standard for moisture-affected areas

Co-developed by ASHRAE and the Indoor Air Quality Association, Standard 3210P is intended to provide guidance on assessing educational facilities that are subject to moisture and at risk of fungal contamination

Features & Interviews

Face to face: Praveen Sarapure, Brayan Group

With project portfolios ranging from AED15m to AED200m, Praveen Sarapure, group director and CEO of Brayan Group, talks about how his company has the expertise to tackle any kind of project

MEP Interview: Tatiana Abou Chedid, Advanced Plastic Industries

Tatiana Abou Chedid, marketing manager at API (Advanced Plastic Industries), talks about the plastic and piping industry


Operating cost focus boosts Middle East's plumbing sector

Jan Lohoff, regional director MEA at Aliaxis, talks about his company and the opportunities in the plumbing and refurbishment market

Top five tips to reduce operating costs in the UAE's large buildings

Large buildings can especially suffer with excessive cooling loads, lack of effective insulation and glazing, and inefficient energy or water conservation systems.

Maintenance and cleaning of police building in Hail
Construction of technical college for girls in Qonfutha


In Pictures: MEP Awards 2017 winners on stage
In Pictures: MEP Awards 2017 function
Video: MEP sector sees potential for large-scale projects
In Pictures: Grundfos retrofit event, Dubai
In Pictures: CIBSE conference on tall building design
Video: Eurovent's first HVACR workshop

Special Reports

MEP experts discuss the Middle East's retrofit sector
Intelligent MEP programmes can help build smart cities
MEP still needs to get connected, say experts
The MEP sector has a long way to go in using smart data

magazine cover image COVER STORY
MEP experts discuss the Middle East's retrofit sector
Riad Raad
Advertising Director, B2B Digital
+971 4 444 3319
+971 50 702 2970
Rajiv Ravindran Pillai
Editor, MEP Middle East
+971 4 444 3262
+971 55 635 3588
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