Trump administration plans to open huge swaths of federal lands to Big Oil for exploration—putting wildlife and local communities at risk

The Trump administration plans to expand drilling and fracking on HUGE swaths of federal lands — imperiling iconic wild places like Sequoia National Park and threatening the health of nearby communities. It's up to us to stop it. Rush your emergency gift now to help us stop dirty and dangerous drilling from decimating pristine wildlands and poisoning our vulnerable communities. We'll also send you our exclusive Insulated Cooler Tote Bag — FREE.

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The Trump administration's massive expansion of leasing for oil and gas means more drilling and more fracking on the doorstep of dozens of national parks, national monuments, national wildlife refuges and state parks — including Sequoia National Park.

It's all part of their plan for California: expanding oil and gas leasing on HUGE swaths of federal lands, jeopardizing human health, spewing toxic air pollution, and destroying park resources.

And here's the scariest part: if we don't stop the Trump administration in the Golden State, none of our iconic wild places will be safe. Mining in the Great Smoky Mountains or Mount Rainier? Offshore drilling in Glacier Bay? Fracking in the Everglades? Don’t put anything past this White House.

Please, it's up to us to stop it. We've launched a multi-pronged "keep it in the ground" campaign: reaching out to our allies in Congress; engaging Governor Gavin Newsom, mayors and city councils; and mobilizing our grassroots supporters to stop this proposal, which flies in the face of everything we're doing here in California on clean energy and climate justice.

But time is TIGHT — the Trump Administration has already sidestepped the 90-day comment period, so we've only got 33 days until public comment on the plan ends. Please, we need your help right now.

Rush your emergency gift now to help us stop dirty and dangerous drilling from decimating pristine wildlands and poisoning the most vulnerable communities. We'll send you our exclusive Insulated Cooler Tote Bag — FREE.

The areas scoped for new drilling are already extremely fragile. And as the climate crisis worsens, the undeveloped lands surrounding our parks will be more important than ever — acting as buffer zones for plants and wildlife to thrive, survive, and migrate. Turning these buffer areas into oil and gas fields would be disastrous.

We're working day and night to protect lands that could be forever changed by the Trump administration's ill-advised plan. We're organizing rallies and one-on-one meetings with key influencers, engaging local media, and making sure public hearings are packed with environmental champions like you.

But how hard we're able to fight to stop this terrible proposal will depend on your support right now. Please donate to the Sierra Club today. Help us protect public lands, pristine forests and national parks and monuments from dirty and dangerous drilling and fracking.

Our national parks and monuments have already suffered so much under this administration: Staffing cuts. "Management plans" that open up previously protected land to potential drilling, mining, and logging. Rollbacks of water protections. A 35-day government shutdown that left Joshua Tree and Death Valley permanently disfigured. It's up to us to stop this drilling plan before it's too late for our beloved public lands.

Together, we will save our iconic landscapes and beloved wildlife from self-interested politicians, polluters, and profiteers. We're so grateful for your support today.

With deep appreciation,

Michael Brune

Michael Brune
Executive Director
Sierra Club

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