Tell advertisers to #DropFox


Fox News host Tucker Carlson has long made disgusting comments about women and people of color. And newly surfaced audiotapes reveal the depths of his hate.

Hate, of course, is the Fox News brand — but advertisers don't have to fund it. Tell corporate advertisers to #DropFox today.


Forget Fox


Friend, a day I’ve long awaited is finally here: People are rising up to say f%#* Fox News.

Join the #DropFox movement: Tell advertisers you won’t buy their products or services as long as they fund Fox News’ hateful agenda.

We joined thousands in rallying outside Fox News headquarters in Manhattan in response to audiotapes of Tucker Carlson making repulsive remarks about young girls and people of color. Carlson has a history of disgusting comments and has:1

    • Defended statutory rape
    • Compared Iraqis to monkeys
    • Questioned whether racial minorities are human

He’s gross and doesn’t deserve the privilege of a media platform. And he certainly doesn’t deserve to have advertisers investing your hard-earned money in his hateful pulpit.

Enough is enough: Tell these companies to stop sending your money to Fox News.

Carlson isn’t the only bigot at Fox. Jeanine Pirro recently said that Rep. Ilhan Omar’s hijab is “indicative of adherence to Sharia law.”2

As we mourn the loss of at least 49 lives in the New Zealand mosque shootings, it’s more apparent than ever that the spread of racism, Islamophobia and White supremacy online and in the media must be checked — and it’s up to us to demand change.

Start now: Add your name to the thousands calling on corporate advertisers to end their affiliation with Fox News.

As The New Yorker recently reported, Fox and the Trump administration have a “revolving door” of messaging. They feed each other increasingly toxic rhetoric, making society more and more dangerous.3

But we can break those chains. Our time is here. Let’s defeat the platforms of hate, starting with Fox News.

Thanks for all that you do,

Collette and the rest of the Free Press team

P.S. THE RESISTANCE YOU’VE BEEN WAITING FOR IS HERE. Join thousands of fed-up people as we tell advertisers to #DropFox and stop the spread of racism, Islamophobia and propaganda disguised as news.

1. “Tucker Carlson Refuses to Apologize for ‘Naughty’ Past Comments About Statutory Rape, ‘C–ty’ Women,” The Wrap, March 19, 2019:

2. “Jeanine Pirro Is Shedding Advertisers in the Wake of Her Racist Ilhan Omar Rant,” Splinter, March 14, 2019:

3. “The Making of the Fox News White House,” The New Yorker, March 11, 2019:

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