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Japanese Style Grilled Oysters
By attosa
This is a quick and easy way to make grilled oysters at home. This is a version that we eat in Japan. It's pretty simple but has some fantastic flavours. We even make this in the toaster oven with no adjustments to this recipe. Enjoy!
How to Make a Paper Phone Stand
By katrine2706
When you needed that mobile phone stand so badly and all you find is paper all over the working place, get a pair of scissors and some glue to make an instant phone stand.
Apple Cider Vinegar for a Sunburn
A cool bath of apple cider vinegar helps take the burn out of sunburn. At first it stings, but after a bit, it starts working. Make your water as cool as you can stand it. Soak the sunburnt areas.
Save Boxes and Packaging Supplies to Reuse
By 15mhhm15
I am a frequent online shopper, especially when there are free shipping deals. By shopping online, I save money, time and gas, plus I receive free shipping boxes and packaging supplies that I will reuse.
We are giving away $200 in Amazon gift cards (US only) for people who answer recent questions on ThriftyFun this month! Gift cards will be awarded to the top ten users who answer the most questions this month. Prizes will be awarded as follows: 1st - $50, 2nd - $40, 3rd - $30, 4th - $20, and 5th to 10th - $10.