“In line with our continuous efforts to ensure seamless journeys, RTA has successfully resumed Dubai Metro’s full operations,” the announcement read

Baheej Tourism Development Company has unveiled the first tourist destination in Yanbu City, Saudi Arabia

Inspections by the Abu Dhabi Agriculture and Food Safety Authority (ADAFSA) found insects in the area where food was being prepared

“Make the switch to reusable cloth bags & be part of the change,” said Dubai Municipality

Transactions included properties in Al Barari, Al Furjan and Palm Deira

The authority urged users to exercise caution upon receiving notifications and login requests, to avoid potential fraud attempts

UAE Eid holiday plans, Dubai real estate analysis, school fee discounts, cruising, cycling and metro transport updates and more of the top stories this week

RTA launches new app in Dubai, improves service for purchasing parking and Salik as well as updating licences

EU Council approves new Schengen Borders Code allowing tighter border control and new quarantine and health rules for non-EU travellers

UAE President accepts Xi Jinping’s invitation to visit China this month

UAE tourism sector contribution to national GDP set to rise to 12 per cent

Entrepreneurs report facing a range of mental health problems, such as depression, panic attacks, burnout, insomnia, anxiety, and addiction

Racing has turned into a very slick, well-polished product, one that enables brands to showcase their products and services to a diverse audience, whether that’s sponsoring teams, drivers, or events

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