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Wednesday, 28 October 2020

Dubai prioritises SME growth with plan for new Nasdaq Dubai market

Sheikh Hamdan unveils initiative which aims to help young businesses and SMEs by raising capital...
Inside the 'entrepreneur's playground' in Saudi Arabia
How creative and innovative talents are looking to grasp opportunities and launch in the Gulf...
India's FreshToHome attracts Gulf funds in $121m funding round
As predicted by Arabian Business, e-commerce platform has raised significant capital with Dubai...

Gulf remittances to India expected to see fresh surge amid rupee predictions

Indian currency is expected to enter a volatile trading period in the near term due to US...
How the world should be tackling the coronavirus crisis - Gordon Brown
Former UK Prime Minister tells Business 20 summit in Riyadh that countries must come together to...
Lebanese banks make plans to delist overseas as capital deadline looms
Top banks in Lebanon are withdrawing global depositary shares from European stock markets amid...

Saudi stock market to triple daily trading limits for new listings

From November 8, newly listed stocks will be allowed to rise or fall 30% on their first three...

In pictures: 10 key findings of the 2020 Arab Youth Survey

Why nearly half of 200 million young Arabs in the Middle East and North Africa region have...

Video: Five reasons why firms might choose crowdfunding

UAE-based Udrive has opening up to invite investment from the general public as part of its...
Editor's Choice

Why more Emirati women are applying for private sector jobs post-coronavirus

Recruitment experts say the option to work from home has opened up possibilities for...
Why catering to Muslim women could be a 'lucrative' move for UK gyms
Demand is rising for women-only areas in mainstream gyms in high Muslim population areas of England
B20 Saudi chairman urges business world to come together after coronavirus
Yousef Al-Benyan, chairman of Business 20 Saudi Arabia, says more must be done across the world...

Why marketers shouldn't accept the fallacies of 'the new normal'

Cataclysmic events such as Covid are often seen as jolts that permanently alter our way of living...
Hybrid workplace models and the emergence of the 'Hub & Club' model
The pandemic has had a profound impact on how and where companies undertake their office...
What is creativity worth to the Gulf?
There is a growing disconnect between how much creativity is valued versus how much it's actually...
Featured Analysis

Inside the UK's burgeoning modest fashion industry

Muslim spend on apparel and footwear is estimated to grow to $402bn by 2024
Five reasons why companies would choose crowdfunding
Will more companies follow the decision of Udrive to ask a large number of people each for an...
Arabian Business launches healthcare webinar series amid coronavirus crisis
Coronavirus has put healthcare systems around the world under unprecedented pressure. Now, a...
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