Dubai now boasts the highest number of luxury $10 million-plus property sales globally and the most branded residences worldwide, experts say

The rising status of Riyadh as a newly preferred destination for setting up or expansion of startups is also adding to the surge in rental demand

The Karnataka High Court allowed Shetty to go abroad, if no other restriction exists for his travel abroad other than these LOCs

The agreement is part of the process of economic and financial integration and the free movement of capital between the two countries

Last December, the appellate court in Qatar had commuted the death sentence to the eight former Indian Navy personnel

Here are all the branded residences in Dubai and Miami that have teamed up with luxury automotive brands to provide residents a unique living experience

Oman has declared a public holiday for public and private sector workers on Monday, February 10

Dubai workers told to stay away from offices amid unstable weather on Monday

Flying taxis will take off in Dubai by 2026, says RTA, ground-breaking transport on display at World Governments Summit

Oman has declared a public holiday for public and private sector workers on Monday, February 10

Qatar has announced Tuesday, February 13 will be a national holiday

Citizens and expats in Saudi Arabia can now register for Hajj pilgrimages

Ministers of labour and human resources from across Asia discuss future labour plans in the UAE

Dubai Customs welcomed record-breaking visitors and baggage numbers last year

Saudi Arabia announces more than 18,900 arrests in a single week as it clamps down on residency, labour and security breaches

Adapting business models, marketing strategies, and product offerings to suit local preferences is necessary for success

Gen Z is armed with more wellness-related data, and more tools to measure it, than previous generations could ever have contemplated

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