November 2019

Registration is now open for “What I Wish I Had Known About Teaching (at Duke).” Join us to hear from a panel of award-winning faculty as they share their teaching insights and lessons learned from their years of teaching.
The Teaching Collaborative

The Teaching Collaborative is a new weekly workshop and discussion series at Duke focused on pedagogy topics frequently requested by faculty. The sessions are intended to build a community of practitioners at Duke who learn together, and learn from each other, to spread knowledge of teaching best practices.

What I Wish I Had Known About Teaching (at Duke)
Thursday, November 7

Careers for PhDs in Academic Innovation
Thursday, November 14

A Professor's Experience with Peer Evaluation
Thursday, November 21
Upcoming Events

Team-Based Learning in Undergraduate STEM: Learning Outcomes and Impacts on Course Satisfaction

Tom Newpher, PhD, from Psychology and Neuroscience, presents Wednesday, November 6 as part of the BRITE Ideas Teaching and Research series. 


Learn More and Register »

More Events

Serious Play: Assessing Learning with Games
Friday, November 1

Teaching and Learning in the Diverse Classroom: MOOC Discussion
Tuesdays from November 12 - December 10

Managing Your Course with Kits
Wednesday, November 13

Introduction to Twine
Thursday, November 14

Grade Faster and Easier with Gradescope
Friday, November 15


Working with Sources
Monday, November 18

Create Augmented Reality Media with ThingLink
Tuesday, November 19

Assessment and Scholarship of Teaching and Learning
Wednesday, November 20

Table Top Role Playing Game Narrative Design
Thursday, November 21

Learning Innovation Office Hours
Wednesdays and Thursdays

Highlights from the Blog

Learning Innovation Welcomes Bass Digital Education Fellows

The Bass Digital Education Fellows are a cohort of Duke PhD students who take part in a year-long, fully-funded fellowship offered in partnership between Learning Innovation and the Graduate School.

Apply by Nov. 18 for 2020-2021 Bass Digital Education Fellowship

Are you a Duke graduate student interested in the growing area of digital education, learning design, and digital pedagogy? Apply now for the Bass Digital Education Fellowship.

In India, An Education Innovation Boom

On, Matthew Rascoff, Associate Vice Provost for Digital Education and Innovation, writes that India is now the world’s most interesting laboratory for education innovation.

Mindful Pedagogy Book Club

During the summer of 2019, a group of faculty, librarians, artists, and staff held a monthly book club to explore how to create classrooms that support mindfulness.

"Teaching and Learning in the Diverse Classroom" MOOC

Cornell University’s Center for Teaching Innovation is offering “Teaching & Learning in the Diverse Classroom” as a massive open online course (MOOC) on the edX platform.

Meet Evan Donahue - Learning Innovation Coursera Fellow

Evan Donahue, a PhD candidate in Computational Media, Arts & Cultures, is Learning Innovation's 2019 - 2020 Coursera Fellow.

What We're Reading

SoCal Professors Push To Make College-Level Statistics Less Painful

The Case Against Course Costs
(Duke Chronicle)

The Golden Age of Teaching and Learning Hypothesis
(Inside Higher Ed)


Increase Student Learning in Only 3 Seconds
(Faculty Focus)

College Students Just Want Normal Libraries 
(The Atlantic)

Exploring the Relationship Between Teacher Knowledge and Active-Learning Implementation in Large College Biology Courses
(CBE - Life Sciences Education)
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