Dear fellow South Carolinians, Thank you for subscribing to my weekly e-newsletter, and please remember to follow me on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and YouTube. Anti-Semitism Awareness Act Last Tuesday, I was proud to re-introduce my Anti-Semitism Awareness Act, in light of the growing trend of Anti-Semitic actions coming from across the nation and world. In 2016, I first introduced the bipartisan Anti-Semitism Awareness Act and look forward to my colleagues joining me in reintroducing it this Congress. It is crucial to have clear and concise language defining anti-Semitism in the event that violence and hatred occur. The unfortunate rise in these incidents across the country must be met with swift and unwavering condemnation. We must stand together against racism and bigotry by ensuring that justice is served against those who seek to divide us. You can read more, including the full bill, here and also watch me talk more about the bill on Fox last week here. HUD Letter on CO After sending a letter last week to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Secretary Ben Carson urging HUD to take action and address the ongoing carbon monoxide concerns around the country, Secretary Carson will now require HUD inspectors to check public housing apartments for carbon monoxide detectors. Carbon monoxide (CO), often referred to as a silent killer, has shortened the life of far too many people across our nation. I am glad that after my letter Secretary Carson is taking swift action to ensure that all public housing CO detectors are working at full capacity. We must do everything we can to preserve and protect life in some of our most vulnerable communities. You can read more here. Green New Deal Vote Last week, the Senate took up a vote on the Green New Deal, after which I released the following statement: At its core, the Green New Deal seeks to overhaul the nation we know today by laying the foundation for a government-controlled America. This is not simply the beginning of socialism, but a massive leap towards policies antithetical to American exceptionalism. Not only would it stop the economic momentum we’re seeing in our economy, it is a regressive tax on low-income individuals that would only make the poor poorer and widen the wealth gap. The fact of the matter is, we are experiencing the best economy we’ve had in decades, job growth is high, the unemployment rate across all demographics is low, and small businesses are optimistic. The Green New Deal is a big government, more regulation federal takeover of just about every aspect of the economy, and I wholeheartedly oppose it. Opportunity Zones Last week, I joined Politico’s “The Future of Prosperity” series, where I talked about economic opportunity and my 2030 agenda. You can watch here. I also joined a Brennan Center for Justice panel for a conversation on civility, fairness, and opportunity. You can read more here. Sincerely, Tim