Secure Your Ticket Today Throw out the old communications handbook and get the guidance and new ideas you need for a transformed business world. Get the guidance you need to meet the moment by joining experts for Ragan's can't-miss Internal Communications & Culture Next Practices virtual conference on Feb. 24-25. You'll discover fresh, new internal comms strategies, hear eye-opening case studies, take part in interactive brainstorming sessions, and get practical examples of what works and what doesn't when it comes to engaging employees and driving business goals. Featured Speakers: | Whitney Eichinger Managing Director, Culture & Engagement Southwest Airlines | Nicholas Sucich Director, Digital Communications USPS | Christina Roach Digital Content Officer City of Dallas |
| Sally Schiff Vice President, Global Team Member Communications Hilton | Dr. John Izzo Author The Purpose Revolution |
You’ll learn how to: Elevate your seat at the table as an internal communicator as we approach the end of the pandemic Embrace technology's new starring role in internal communications—connect employees digitally by creating outstanding videos, podcasts, emails, virtual town halls and more Build the inclusive and purpose-driven culture you need to stand out in a competitive global talent landscape and the move the needle on DEI, CSR and ESG Connect leaders to employees in personal, authentic ways that build trust and engagement Craft content that resonates with employees, whether they're on-site or dispersed Re-imagine your internal communications team and make HR and managers your most valuable allies The past year has transformed the world as we knew it—but your real challenge starts now. Register today and get the groundbreaking ideas you need to meet the tremendous opportunity presented to you. Early Bird Rate Ends Feb. 10 – Secure your Seat Today for this Feb. 24-25 Virtual Conference Questions? Contact Shallon Blackburn at Sponsored by: