Chronicle of Philanthropy Dear John,
As a thank-you to our loyal audience members, we've extended the $79 early-bird rate for our next webinar,
Create a Proposal Budget That Resonates With Grant Makers, until October 9.
When submitting project proposals, nonprofits often share the numbers without any supporting text. That could be a mistake. Why?
A sound project budget reveals a nonprofit's spending priorities and overall financial health, but the financial narrative offers a chance to show how expenditures support an organizationâs overall goals.
Join the Chronicle of Philanthropy on October 10 to learn directly from program officers what they look for when evaluating a proposal budget.
Representatives of the Mertz Gilmore Foundation and the Surdna Foundation will explain ways to prepare a solid budget, avoid common pitfalls, build trust with program officers, demonstrate financial health, and acknowledge any financial weaknesses.
Can't make it on October 10? Simply
register today and watch the webinar in our on-demand library. Reserve your spot by October 9 to save 20%.
Lisa Schohl
Editor, Online Learning
Chronicle of Philanthropy
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Washington, D.C. 20037
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