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Dear valued travel partners,

That time of year is here again. No, not just Valentine’s Day (although we’re definitely full of love for our travel partners). WAVE season is back! It’s our industry’s most critical booking season. And it's also a different kind of year too — the year of yes. Your clients are saying yes to new vacation memories. Yes to cruising. And that means this is the best time for you to say yes to success. Because travel advisors have never had a better and bolder opportunity to put commissions in their pocket than right now. The vacation comeback isn't on its way — it's already here. Your clients are eager to be back at sea. Future Cruise Credits are waiting to be redeemed. And your expertise as a travel professional makes you more valuable than ever before.

Don't let the wave pass you by. With a little preparation, you can be in a great sales position for the year to come. So follow these tips and boost your selling power now:
  • Visit LoyalToYouAlways.com to stay up-to-date on the latest news, incentives and promotions available to your clients. Here, Royal Caribbean makes it easy with a variety of tools, resources and information available year round to provide you with the training and support you need to succeed.
  • Take advantage of our programs like Cruise with Confidence and the Best Price Guarantee, regularly view our new Vaccine Requirements Hub, and utilize our numerous automation tools — reducing your hold times and making servicing your bookings more efficient.

    These include:
    • FCC Redemption tool, now including the new FCC look-up feature
    • FCC Reminder Emails to applicable clients
    • Flight Finder to help easily plan air arrangements
    • eQuote to send your clients all the relevant details of their potential adventures, automatically updated if prices change.
And most of all, be excited! Excited for our continued return to service. Excited for the wonderful memories in store for your clients. And excited for our shared success in store. Let's get ready to take on this WAVE together — and be stronger than ever.

Thank you for your continued partnership,
Royal Caribbean International
Cruising Power Running Best Sales and Service Royal Caribbean

©2022 Royal Caribbean Cruises Ltd. Ships registry: The Bahamas. All rights reserved. • 22001970

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