No Holds Barred;! Hollywood mid-20th century revisited; Deep in the heart at Doubles; Presidents’ Day musings ... 

No Holds Barred: “Easing into” getting out in the world

Blair gets out for the first time in 3 years of keeping safe; and returns to the scene of the crime, Palm Springs!.



Immortality as the good news and the bad

Hollywood mid-20th century; the last of the moguls and the product that was showing us the new world and the emergence of the women.


Deep in the heart at Doubles

Wendy Carduner hosted many a Valentine’s Day festivity at Doubles — from the Little People’s Valentine Disco Dance, to the “Be My Valentine” Luncheon Buffet, and closing with the St. Valentine’s Dinner Dance.


On Presidents’ Day

On Presidents' Day we're reminded of our history in celebrating it and how it all changed, along with us.


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