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Francis Lacoste worked from home for 20 years. He joined Heroku and Salesforce 7 years ago to expand remote culture. 

Lacoste will be answering your questions LIVE on March 4th at 12 PST/3 pm EST. 


the best tech stories published on in the last 24 hours

Hallway Testing [A Deep Dive Analysis]

By Mary 
So you’ve got a fantastic idea for improving your product’s interface. Problem is, it’s gonna cost time, money and energy to implement. You’re pretty sure it’s gonna be good, but how can you tell for sure? Simple. Use a “Hallway Usability Test”, which will help you find out early on whether you’re on the right track.

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React Progressive with Lazy-Loading Images [A How-To Guide]

By Sanish kumar 
npm i react-progressive-graceful-imageSupports features like Custom Image Placeholder/Loader Component, srcset, lazy Loading, Graceful Loading, Progressive Image Loading.Use of Intersection Observer and navigator.onLine (Better performance and Optimization)

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Making an Interactive Scatter Chart Visualisation [A How-To Guide]

By Nathaly Priymak 
A client wanted to give its users a more engaging way of browsing a range of products (in this case betting providers). A key driver was the idea of knowing ‘what’s good’ - really appreciating how a site’s attributes stood up against all the alternative options. Is a £30 bonus high or low?

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You Don't Reach Your Business Goals Because You Don't Have Any

By Emma Brown 
You know the feeling, don’t you? You dearly wish to reach some business goal, complete an important project, learn a wanted skill. Finally, perhaps after reading some inspirational articles here on Medium, you decide to get up and go. You’re full of enthusiasm, determined to finally JUST DO IT, and all that stuff.

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160+ Data Science Interview Questions

By Alexey Grigorev 
A typical interview process for a data science position includes multiple rounds. Often, one of such rounds covers theoretical concepts, where the goal is to determine if the candidate knows the fundamentals of machine learning.

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Build Your Own Currency Exchange Web App in ~100 lines using CRA [A Step By Step Guide]

By Edvinas Pranka 
This tutorial describes how to create a simple currency exchange app in just about 100 lines of code using the Create React App boilerplate.

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No Such Thing As The Intelligent Edge

By Daniel Sexton 
But it will be much bigger than the Internet. 

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ICYMI: Remote Work Sucks Because You're Doing It Wrong 💩
Yesterday's curated thematic newsletter from Utsav covers the ups, downs, tools and turnarounds involved in being a free-range human for the workforce of the futureRead it while it's 🔥!
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