EBF MORNING BRIEF                Wednesday 14 September 2022

Good morning. Here are the top news stories and events in European banking, financial regulation and EU policy, brought to you by the European Banking Federation. 

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Reuters: European bank largesse belies economic crunch

As reported by Reuters, Europe’s banks are funneling cash to shareholders as the region speeds towards recession. Switzerland’s UBS hiked its full-year dividend by 10% and said that its share buyback program would exceed a $5 billion target. Italy’s UniCredit recently said that the European Central Bank (ECB) authorized the second tranche of its buyback program, allowing it to repurchase 1 billion euros worth of shares, equivalent to 32 basis points of common equity Tier 1 capital. Read more

Bloomberg: ECB’s Simkus sees hike of ‘at least’ a half-point in October

The European Central Bank (ECB) should raise interest rates by at least a half-point at its October meeting, according to Governing Council member Gediminas Simkus. According to Bloomberg, Simkus didn’t exclude a repeat of this month’s tightening step. “Data doesn’t change that fast, so we need to respond,” he said. Read more

Finextra: Greenwashing is a systemic problem at UK banks

Greenwashing has become a 'systemic problem' among UK banks despite universal claims that sustainability is at the heart of their business, a new survey has found. The study also demonstrates that banks are offsetting non-sustainable practices with carbon credits, Finextra reports. Read more


For a full-year overview of key financial regulation events: click here


Finance Norway: We need to train more people with IT skills

In order to ensure Norway's competitiveness, we must create more IT study places and include IT competence in several fields of study, including in the continuing and further education offer. That's what Finance Norway's Katarina Lægreid Buzatu and Frederick Hjertø write in a column in Dagsavisen. Read more (DK)

ABI: Approval of the amendment 

The President of the Italian Banking Association (ABI), Antonio Patuelli, and the General Manager, Giovanni Sabatini, positively evaluate the amendment introduced in the conversion of the so-called Aid Decree bis relating to the simplification of the transfer of tax credits. Read more (IT)

Finance Finland: Samuel Jokela acts as manager of communications

Samuel Jokela has started at Finance Finland as an influencer communication expert focused on social media. His tasks include maintenance and development of social media channels and stakeholder cooperation. Read more (FI)


ECB: Disclosure of climate change risk in credit ratings

Climate change can be a source of financial risk. This paper by the European Central Bank (ECB) examines how credit rating agencies accepted by the Eurosystem incorporate climate change risk in their credit ratings. It also analyses how rating agencies disclose their assessments of climate change risks to rating users. Read more

BIS: Governors and Heads of Supervision reaffirm expectation to implement Basel III in full and as fast as possible

The Group of Central Bank Governors and Heads of Supervision (GHOS), the oversight body of the Bank for International Settlements (BIS) Basel Committee on Banking Supervision reiterates its expectation to implement all aspects of the Basel Framework consistently and as fast as possible. Read more

ESMA: Making headway on centre pieces of the CMU

Verena Ross, Chair of the European Securities and Markets Authority (ESMA) discussed Digital Finance in an article published by the Eurofi magazine. "The potential for innovation to outpace regulation makes it essential for supervisors to be agile," she said. Read more

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The European Banking Federation is the voice of the European banking sector, bringing together national banking associations from across Europe. The federation is committed to a thriving European economy that is underpinned by a stable, secure and inclusive financial ecosystem, and to a flourishing society where financing is available to fund the dreams of citizens, businesses and innovators everywhere. Website: www.ebf.eu

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European Banking Federation

Avenue des Arts 56, B-1000 Brussels, Belgium