EBF MORNING BRIEF    Wednesday 21 September 2022


Good morning. Here are the top news stories and events in European banking, financial regulation and EU policy, brought to you by the European Banking Federation. 

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FT: European banks make slow progress on gender diversity at the top

European banks are making slow progress on gender diversity, with women in just over a quarter of executive roles and 37 percent of board seats last year, compared with 20 and 35 percent respectively in 2020. As reported by the Financial Times (FT), the research also showed considerable variation between countries, with German and Portuguese banks at the bottom while Nordic countries showed the greatest gender diversity on boards. Read more

Reuters: Banks keep European shares afloat

European shares edged higher boosted by banks, Reuters writes. In the coming days, markets will be watching the Bank of England (BoE)'s policy decision, split on whether it will hike by 50 or 75 bps. Read more

Bloomberg: Norway wealth fund sets Net-Zero target 

Norway’s $1.2 trillion sovereign wealth fund will require the companies it invests in to reach net-zero emissions by 2050 to prevent the financial risks from a “delayed transition.” According to Bloomberg, the fund also aims to develop a system for measuring “exposure to climate risks and opportunities” by 2025. Read more



For a full-year overview of key financial regulation events: click here


NVB: Banks are ready for customers in need

“Banks are ready to help their customers who are in danger of getting financially stuck,” says Medy van der Laan, chairman of the Dutch Banking Association (NVB). Banks keep a close eye on how their customers are financially and offer targeted assistance where necessary so that the problems of customers in need can be solved. Read more (NL)

UK Finance: Banks continues to support housing for Ukrainian refugees

Lenders continue to automatically waive relevant mortgage terms and conditions for the government’s Homes for Ukraine Scheme. As reported by UK Finance, the industry has also opened bank accounts for over 40 percent of Ukrainian Refugees in the first three months of the Scheme. Read more

Finance Denmark: Few purchased homes in the second quarter

The Danes are no longer so keen on buying a home. In the second quarter, 13,492 houses and owner-occupied flats got a new owner. This is the lowest number in eight years. At the same time, the homes are traded at higher prices, but with greater discounts than a year ago. The latest figures from Finance Denmark show this. Read more (DK)


EBA: Final draft technical standards on the performance-related triggers for non-sequential amortization systems in STS on-balance-sheet securitizations

The European Banking Authority (EBA) published its final draft Regulatory Technical Standards (RTS) specifying the minimum performance-related triggers for simple, transparent and standardized (STS) on-balance-sheet securitizations that feature non-sequential amortization. Read more

ECB: Consolidated financial statement of the Eurosystem

The European Central Bank (ECB) has published the consolidated financial statement of the Eurosystem as at 16 September 2022. Read more

EC: ARC 2022: Opening remarks by Commissioner Gentiloni

"The green transition is both a climate and a security imperative. But it's more than that. Beyond the environmental and strategic motivations, there are very good economic reasons too," Commissioner Gentiloni said at the 2022 Annual Research Conference. In his speech published by the European Commission (EC), he discussed the opportunities and challenges of the green transition as well as the consequences of Russia's war on Ukraine. Read more

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The European Banking Federation is the voice of the European banking sector, bringing together national banking associations from across Europe. The federation is committed to a thriving European economy that is underpinned by a stable, secure and inclusive financial ecosystem, and to a flourishing society where financing is available to fund the dreams of citizens, businesses and innovators everywhere. Website: www.ebf.eu

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European Banking Federation

Avenue des Arts 56, B-1000 Brussels, Belgium