for the week starting Monday 30 September 2024

An overview of the main financial regulation and banking stories this week and a look ahead to key events for the upcoming week, brought to you by the European Banking Federation


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Bloomberg: Schnabel says Eurozone stagnating, disinflation on track

According to Bloomberg, European Central Bank (ECB) Executive Board member Isabel Schnabel appears to have become more concerned about the Eurozone economy. Read more

Reuters: Eurozone bank lending growth picks up in August

Bank lending to the Eurozone economy expanded slightly in August, continuing a slow rebound since the start of the year possibly boosted by the prospect of steady European Central Bank (ECB) rate cuts in the months ahead, Reuters reports. Read more

Risk.net: EU dealers added €38bn of Level 3 assets in 2023

Top European Union banks grew mark-to-model assets by 12.8% in 2023, led by Groupe BPCE and DZ Bank, Risk.net reports. Read more


Monday 30 September

Tuesday 1 October

Wednesday 2 October

Thursday 3 October

Friday 4 October



BdB: Start of the semester: Financing training and studies

According to the German Student Union, the cost of living for students is an average of 867 euros per month. But not every student can rely on sufficient financial support from the parents. The Association of German Banks (BdB) shows how to approach financial planning. Read more (DE)

ABBL: Driving Sustainable Finance through Technology

The Luxembourg Bankers' Association (ABBL) played an active role in the "Catapult: Green FinTech" accelerator program, a one-week bootcamp for green FinTech firms supported by the Luxembourg House of Financial Technology and the Luxembourg Sustainable Finance Initiative. Read more

Finance Norway: New issue of Finansrett

According to Finance Norway, the framework conditions in the financial area are constantly changing. Hardly any other area of ​​law is in such a continuous subject of revision as the regulations in banking, insurance and the securities market area. Read more (NO)


ECB: Economic, financial and monetary developments

This European Central Bank (ECB) publication presents the economic and monetary information which forms the basis for the Governing Council’s policy decisions. Read more

EIOPA: Feedback on measures aimed at strengthening the supervision of occupational pension funds’ liquidity management

Institutions for occupational retirement provision (IORPs) that hold derivative instruments are exposed to substantial liquidity risks. This consultation paper sets out the European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority's (EIOPA’s) draft Opinion on the supervision of IORPs’ liquidity risk management. Read more

BIS: Post-turmoil bank failure management: the European challenges

The Bank for International Settlements (BIS) has published the speech by Fernando Restoy, Chair of the Financial Stability Institute, at the IMF-JVI-Yale Program on Financial Stability, Course on Financial Crisis Management, in Vienna. Read more


New EBF Vacancies! Work with us!

Visit our Vacancies page to learn more about the opening positions at the EBF. Read more

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The European Banking Federation is the voice of the European banking sector, bringing together national banking associations from across Europe. The federation is committed to a thriving European economy that is underpinned by a stable, secure and inclusive financial ecosystem, and to a flourishing society where financing is available to fund the dreams of citizens, businesses and innovators everywhere. Website: www.ebf.eu

This newsletter is published by the EBF Mediacentre.
For questions or suggestions contact r.hrelja@ebf.eu


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