in this issue, March 15, 2016 View it in your browser.

Eclipse Che, JDK 9 Jigsaw, ASP.NET Core, Polaris, Android N, Lagom, No-Hotfix Deployment, Deep Learning, Smart Trucks




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Development Latest Content


Data Structures in and on IPFS

Juan Batiz-Benet gives a short introduction to IPFS (the InterPlanetary File System), a new hypermedia distribution protocol, addressed by content and identities. He also discusses the IPLD data model and example data structures (unixfs, keychain, post). (Presentation)
The next QCon is in New York, June 13-17, 2016. Join us!

A Brief History of Chain Replication

Christopher Meiklejohn talks through a history of chain replication, starting with the original work from 2004 by van Renesse and Schneider. He looks at the various systems built using chain replication: Hibari, FAWN-KV, and CRAQ and explores safer designs of chain replication, such as the elastic replication work in 2013, and finally looks at new and unique designs of chain replication. (Presentation)
The next QCon is in New York, June 13-17, 2016. Join us!

Eclipse: The Evolution and Future of IDEs

Tyler Jewell introduces Eclipse Che, the platform and the new approach to workspace, demoing along with SAP, Red Hat, IBM, and Microsoft its current level of integration with various cloud providers. (Presentation)



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Java Latest Content


Book Review: All About Java 8 Lambdas

Billed as a Weekend Read, the All About Java 8 Lambdas book covers much more than just lambdas; it covers default and static methods in interfaces, method references, optional values and primitive/object streams. It’s the book to read if you know Java and need to get up to speed on Java 8. Read on for InfoQ’s review. (Article)

Microservices to FastData in the Enterprise with Spring

John T Davies is using Spring Integration and Spring Boot to ingest gigabytes of complex data into two different in-memory data grids (IMDGs), showing the design and implementation with several demos. (Presentation)

#NoXML: Eliminating XML in your Spring Projects

Matt Raible shows how to eliminate XML by configuring Spring beans with JavaConfig and annotations, and how to remove web.xml and configure web components with Java. (Presentation)


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.NET Latest Content


Lessons in Extreme .NET Performance

Ben Watson provides a deep-dive introduction to what you need to know to squeeze out the ultimate performance from your .NET code, along with war stories from building the Bing platform query engine. (Presentation)
The next QCon is in New York, June 13-17, 2016. Join us!

Dynamic Languages Latest Content

TOP Dynamic Languages NEWS HEADLINES

MIT's Polaris Touts Making Web Pages 34 Percent Faster

Polaris is a new JavaScript framework that aims to shrink Web pagesҠload time by 34% at the median. Developed by researchers from MIT’s Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (CSAIL) and Harvard University, Polaris focuses on reducing latency associated to network trips. (News)

Mobile Latest Content


Android N Includes Multi-window, Java 8, Enhanced Notifications

Google has made an early preview of Android N available targeted specifically at developers. The Android N Preview is available 10 weeks earlier in the cycle than the one for Android M, with Google aiming to get earlier feedback from developers in order to incorporate the changes into the final release. (News)

Architecture & Design Latest Content

TOP Architecture & Design NEWS HEADLINES

One API, Many Facades?

An interesting trend is emerging in the world of Web APIs, with various engineers and companies advocating for dedicated APIs for each consumer with particular needs. Beyond any ideal design of your API, reality strikes back with the concrete and differing concerns of varied API consumers. You might need to optimize your API accordingly. (Article)

The Simple Life of RESTful Microservices

Sebastien Lambla explores how complexity can be reduced to its smallest cohesive parts, communication normalized through evolvable contracts, RESTful and event-driven interfaces. (Presentation)



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Culture & Methods Latest Content

TOP Culture & Methods NEWS HEADLINES

David Chilcott on Growing Agile Leaders

At the Agile New Zealand Conference David Chilcott from Outformations gave a talk on Growing Agile Leaders (The Inconvenient Truths). Afterwards he spoke to InfoQ about the challenges leaders face and why the truths he points out are both inconvenient and uncomfortable in many organizations. (Article)

The Way to No-Hotfix Deployment

Hot-fix redeployment is a waste of time and effort at best, and often a source of further regression. Adam Pahlevi discusses some ready-to-use techniques that helped he and his team reduce the frequency of hot-fix deployments to almost zero. (Article)

Testers in TDD teams

In a team doing TDD (Test Driven Development) there is no need for testers that do manual checking. For testers this means that much of their traditional work disappears. Meanwhile modern testing solutions have become so technical that implementation requires specialists. For testers this presents a very interesting opportunity, but it requires solid technical skills. (Article)

Innovation and Agility: Two Sides of the Same (Bit)Coin?

Yann Hamon makes the connection between innovation and agility. Innovation must be supported by Agile delivery capability, and, conversely, building up an Agile organization is an innovation journey. (Presentation)

Data Science Latest Content


Will AI Surpass Human Intelligence? Interview with Prof. J��n Schmidhuber on Deep Learning

Prof. J��n Schmidhuber, Scientific Director of The Swiss AI Lab IDSIA, talks about deep learning as well as the latest trends and development in artificial intelligence. (Article)

High Performance Stream Processing

S Maldini, G Renfro and D Turanski dissect a Spring XD application into three areas - message transport, data serialization, and application processing - to show design patterns and techniques for getting the highest throughput and lowest resource utilization in streaming applications. (Presentation)

DevOps Latest Content


Docker Cloud Aims to Enable Containerized Multicloud Solutions

Docker Cloud is a new service that aims to make it easier to work with Docker containers on multiple Clouds, developer Borja Burgos announced on Docker’s blog. The service aims to make it possible to build, ship, and run containers within the Docker ecosystem. (News)