Today's Economy Economic Roundup: The Dreaded C Word Contagion worries emerge amid Turkey's lira crisis. Emerging Markets May Sink if 10-Year Treasury Yield Climbs Above 3% Brazil's currency is also undergoing a pronounced depreciation. Plunging Lira Adds Downside Risk to the Turkey Outlook The country's economic growth will suffer if the currency weakness persists. Europe Daily Briefing: Contagion Worries From Turkish Crisis Hit Markets Turkey's lira plunged further, weighing on all major European stock indexes and the euro. » VIEW MORE TODAY'S ECONOMY
Commentary U.S. Chartbook: Keeping It 'Real' Drop in real average hourly earnings isn't cause for concern. U.S. Macro Outlook: Significant Differences, Eerie Similarities The parallels between today's leveraged lending and precrisis subprime lending bear watching. U.S. Weekly Highlights and Preview, 10 August, 2018 Amazon’s Prime Day added some uncertainty to the forecast. Europe Weekly Highlights and Preview, 10 August, 2018 In the euro zone, fears are that the area’s economy is going through a sharper than expected slowdown. » VIEW MORE COMMENTARY
Today's Economic Indicators
Italy Consumer Price Index Jul. 2018: 1.9% Italy’s annual harmonized EU inflation accelerated more than expected in July, gaining 1.9% y/y, from 1.4% in June. Peru Monetary Policy Nov. 2018: India Consumer Price Index Jul. 2018: 4.2% World Moody's Analytics Survey of Business Confidence August 10: 31.4 Global business sentiment improved last week, after having steadily weakened during much of the summer. China Monetary Aggregates Jul. 2018: Uruguay Industrial Production Jun. 2018: 17.1% Uruguay's industrial production continues on its scorching pace. China Retail Sales Jul. 2018: China Fixed Asset Investment Jul. 2018: China Industrial Production Jul. 2018: » VIEW MORE ECONOMIC INDICATORS |