A thumbprint may be a good authentication factor for the living, but are you prepared to access mission-critical data and devices after an employee's death?
Several A-list celebrities have found themselves at the center of a ransomware attack -- and it's certainly not the first time hackers have gone after them or the entertainment industry. What are security pros doing wrong?
April showers bring – a May cartoon caption contest! Submit your caption for John Klossner's latest cartoon, and our editors will reward the winner with a $25 Amazon gift card.
Numbers are down, but that may only be because organizations have been too busy fighting COVID-19-related cyberthreats to notice compromises, Risk Based Security says.
In this webinar, experts offer insight and recommendations on how to build a next-generation SOC, and what tools and skills you may need to outfit that SOC to respond to today's most current threats and online exploits.
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