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Editor's Choice brings you a poem from a new publication selected as a must-read. Our feature editor today is Sally Keith.
Elizabeth Arnold
in Lamu

off the coast of Kenya,

living out weeks of staring into
the green of a foreign place


spring (or the rainy season)
happens in June,

a fine net of neon poked by sun birds

glittery in their breeding plumage,
spots of color

humming-birding at

flat-topped acacias with their
long, needly, down-curved beaks,

the net not breaking.

Going on a hike this afternoon with Idi
to the Takwa ruins by the open sea

—India out there,

the Arabian Peninsula,
pathways for trade, art,

intersecting civilizations.

Maybe it sounds exotic from America
but really it's just another here

where it's possible to experience

the continuing continuing of day
a twenty-five-hour plane ride from my home,

until I lean my head back

in the open-air room
at the top of the house

where I've been working,

see more sharply
bats crawl out of thatch as the light goes,

snap their leathery wings

open, dart
into the night.
from the book WAVE HOUSE /  Flood Editions
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Tess Taylor on Gardening and Poetry

"I honor the abundance in poems, too—the way they dig beneath ordinary life and sprout to remind us of life's power and shimmer. They also remind us that we build the good ecosystem together; that in it, we are each nourished and fed. I keep thinking of the words of Cornel West: 'Justice is what love looks like in public.' Gardens are what hope looks like in public. Poems are also a form of public hope."

Cover of Human Wishes
What Sparks Poetry:
Dana Levin on Reading Prose

"I thought instantly of two books by philosophers who have offered me enduring lenses: The Poetics of Space by Gaston Bachelard and I and Thou by Martin Buber. Then I flashed on the bowl of dead bees at the end of Robert Hass’s famous poem."
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