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News & Analysis on Supplements, Health & Nutrition - Europe

27 April 2020

Editor's Spotlight: Startup Focus

Advice for startups: What you can do during a pandemic

This pandemic is causing huge economic uncertainty and that’s scary for any startup but it’s also a once in a lifetime opportunity for health and wellness entrepreneurs to educate and engage with a health-focused and captive online audience. Read more


Pandemic positivity: Startup discovers unprecedented opportunities

This pandemic and the economic turmoil brought with it can easily be seen as a startup’s worst nightmare, or it can be turned into an unprecedented opportunity. Read more

Startup's next-gen platform cultivates customised microalgae on demand

A marine ingredient start-up is tapping into the 'immense potential of marine supercrops’ with its next-gen platform for cultivating customised, pharmaceutical grade microalgae on demand. Read more

Global AI startup adds immunity support to personalised nutrition tech amid Coronavirus

A global AI startup company has created a way to help consumers find the nutrition and supplements they need to support their immune system during this health pandemic. Read more

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