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Inside food & drink manufacturing

07 July 2022

Editor's Spotlight: Tech focus

Podcast Preparing for cyber attacks in the food and drink industry: exclusive podcast

In this exclusive podcast interview, 1898 & Co. global director for utilities (power & water) and manufacturing Eric Ervin discussed cybersecurity in manufacturing and how to prepare the sector for potential cyber-attacks. Read more


Cheese and meat firms share digital insights

Digital technology can benefit businesses of all sizes and does not have to cost the earth, delegates will hear at the next free Food Manufacture webinar, which is sponsored by Siemens. Read more

Video Automated future for Nestlé’s supply chain

In this exclusive video interview, GXO digital model realisation & continuous improvement leader Alex Stinton talks about the role his company’s East Midlands site plays in Nestlé’s supply chain and how it has been designed from the ground up to incorporate the latest advances in automation. Read more

Future factory: Protecting the plant from cyber-criminals

As food processors aspire to implement the latest technology and digitisation, what is preventing cyber-criminals from ruining everything? Read more

Free digital technology webinar available to watch

Food Manufacture’s free digital technology webinar, sponsored by Siemens, is now available to watch on playback. Read more

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