November 28, 2016

Eggnog, Fruitcake, Fondue, and More: The 15 Unhealthiest Holiday Foods

The holidays are the few times in the year when we can cast aside nutritional advice and indulge in our most comforting foods. Therefore, this information is not meant to guilt-trip or shame you, but rather just to make sure you're aware of where...Read More

The Best, Worst, and Weirdest Fast-Food Creations of 2016

Another year, another flurry of new fast-food innovations. As usual, some of these products were quite good, some were decidedly bad, and others were neither good nor bad, but just plain weird. We rounded up four new fast-food products in each of...Read More

9 Biggest Health and Fitness Breakthroughs of 2016

Staying fit and maintaining a healthy lifestyle is a demanding task that requires commitment and discipline, but it’s not impossible. Breakthrough studies are being published every day that give us the knowledge to make choices beneficial to our...Read More
When It Comes to Exercising, Competition Is Better Than Moral Support

You Won't Believe What Americans Are Smuggling in From Canada

A cinnamon graham cookie dipped in vanilla frosting: Dunkaroos were a '90s favorite for kids across North America. Sadly, they were discontinued in the U.S. in 2012. But Americans couldn’t let go of this sweet tragedy and found another way to get...Read More
Canada export America import

Prep Your Cookies in Advance for a Stress-Free Holiday Season

The holiday season is one of the most wonderful times of the year, right? Right! But it can also be one of the most stressful for many! With so much on our to-do lists like cooking, shopping, cleaning and decorating, it can sometimes be difficult to...Read More

Holiday Airport Survival Guide

'Tis the season to be stuck waiting in airport security lines. With the holiday season quickly approaching, there will be an influx of travelers from all around the world trying to make it home to their families and loved ones. Some will be frequent...Read More
carry on essentials

Vintner Is Coming: We’re Finally Getting Game of Thrones Wine

We already have several Game of Thrones beers, but now you can gift your favorite Iron Throne aficionado with a bottle of blood-red (or white) wine inspired by the hit HBO show. The new collection, produced by Vintage Estate Wine, will feature a...Read More
Valar Mor Please: All men must wine and dine.

Chipotle Faces Lawsuit Over Misleading Calorie Counts on Menu

Does a 300-calorie Chipotle burrito sound too good to be true? That’s because it is. A Chipotle store in Los Angeles has been slapped with a class action lawsuit filed by three customers on charges of publishing false nutritional information.[...Read More
That burrito will actually cost you about quadruple the calories listed.

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