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Improve the quality of clinical indicators in provider queries

Are you looking for in-depth clinical documentation training and want to take CDI discussion to the next level? Do you want to go beyond quoting buzzwords and endless querying physicians so you can capture the correct CCs/MCCs? If you do, the Clinical Validation in CDI Boot Campis for you. It will elevate your CDI knowledge so your discourse with physicians moves from querying to collaboration.

Our curriculum uses a “how to” approach allowing you to learn how to apply CDI concepts that you can then customize to your organizational needs.

Here are the next available classes:

Live In-Person

June 20-22, 2022



April 12, 2022


This hands-on, practical format enhances critical thinking skills and will prepare you to be a leader in the CDI field and communicate collaboratively with providers.


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This class will help you:


Increase your understanding of key pathophysiological concepts


Improve the quality of clinical indicators used when you query


Cultivate critical thinking skills for use with data involving complex clinical concepts


Improve your ability to distinguish evidence-based clinical indicators from other data in the record


Want to train your entire CDI team?

Click below for more details on how we can bring our industry-leading instructors to you - in-person or virtually - and provide a cost-effective, custom learning experience for your entire organization.