You've probably heard all kinds of dire warnings about how artificial intelligence is going to change your life.

Dear Reader,

You've probably heard all kinds of dire warnings about how artificial intelligence is going to change your life.

Elon Musk has warned AI is "the biggest risk humanity has ever faced".

The lead researcher at the Machine Intelligence Research Institute in Berkeley has claimed that "our current remaining timeline looks more like five years than 50 years... we have a shred of a chance that humanity survives".

Goldman Sachs predicts that 300 million will lose their jobs.

And of course, there are plenty of people out there who say AI stocks are in a bubble that'll crash any day.

Predictions like those may get a lot of media airtime.

There's just one problem: They're all wrong.

There's a far more urgent AI threat that could leave millions in shock, starting just days from now.

It has nothing to do with job losses or an "AI apocalypse".

But it could have a dramatic impact on your life in the very near future, with huge consequences for your money if you make the wrong moves.

In fact, Prof. Joel Litman, our friend over at Altimetry, just revealed a shocking new warning. And if this Boston professor and consultant to the Pentagon's huge new prediction is right...

Then a new form of artificial intelligence could be about to terrify millions.

Everything you need to know is right here.

Good investing,

Brett Eversole