In this issue, July 19, 2016 View it in your browser.

eMag: Exploring Container Technology in the Real World, TypeScript, Swift, Go, Rust, VS Code, RxJS 5, 2FA, HTTP-RPC

Petabytes Scale Analytics Infrastructure @Netflix

Netflix runs one of the largest ‪bigdata‬ analytics infrastructure in the public cloud. Their platform leverages the scalability, reliability, and flexibility of the cloud to move quickly and innovate. At QCon San Francisco ‪2016 in November‬, two Netflix engineers will discuss the overall big data platform architecture and dive into the two key design choices that underpin our platform: ‪Storage‬ and ‪Orchestration‬‬‬. They will also discuss their open source federated job management and orchestration layer, ‪#‎Genie‬.



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The InfoQ Podcast: Wendy Closson on Mindfulness and Algorithmic Approaches to Communicating

In this week's podcast, Barry Burd talks with Wendy Closson. With over a decade of experience immersed in development and championing agile practices, Closson coaches technology leaders to manage effectively, respond reasonably, and navigate the choppy waters of business. Closson's presentation at QCon New York was entitled Syntactic Sugar for English: Pragmatic Eloquence.

InfoQ eMag: Exploring Container Technology in the Real World

The creation of many competing, complementary and supporting container technologies has followed in the wake of Docker, and this has led to much hype and some disillusion around this space. This eMag aims to cut through some of this confusion and explain the essence of containers, their current use cases, and future potential.

Development Latest Content


Grokking Algorithms Review and Author Q&A

Manning’s Grokking Algorithms, written by Aditya Y. Bhargava, takes a novel approach to introducing such complex matters as data structures, algorithms, and complexity. Himself a visual learner, Bhargava explains he attempted to leverage the powerful expressiveness of illustration to make it easier to grasp topics that could be otherwise impenetrable for some. (Article)

Key Takeaway Points and Lessons Learned from QCon New York 2016

The fifth annual QCon New York was the biggest yet, bringing together over 800 team leads, architects, project managers, and engineering directors. In total, over 140 practitioner-speakers presented 79 full-length technical sessions and 16 in-depth tutorials, providing deep insights into real-world architectures and state of the art software development practices from a practitioner’s perspective. (Article)

The Nihilist’s Guide to Wrecking Humans & Systems

Christina Camilleri talks about how social engineering can be used in conjunction with technical attacks to create sophisticated and destructive attack chains, shares some real world war stories and highlights what can be done to protect against these threats. (Presentation)
The next QCon is in San Francisco, Nov 7-11, 2016. Join us!

Design by Contract in Elixir: “Let It Crash” Meets “It Shouldn’t Crash”

Elba Sanchez explains what Design by Contract is, what can be achieved using it and how it can be used in any kind of projects, from personal to mission-critical software. (Presentation)

Code Quality in Practice

Bryan Helmkamp discusses insights from analyzing over 1T LoC daily, what makes a code metric valuable, when unmaintainable code may be preferable, and what prevents maintaining quality code over time. (Presentation)

Successful Go Program Design, 6 Years On

Peter Bourgon discusses lessons learned from 6 years of professional Go development, highlighting the idioms, design patterns, and practices that have proven themselves at scale — and many that haven't. Bourgon presents recommendations on patterns and best practices for developing successful, scalable, and sustainable code using Go. (Presentation)
The next QCon is in San Francisco, Nov 7-11, 2016. Join us!

We Need to Talk About Docs

Nik Wakelin discusses why developers dislike writing documentation, what can be done about it and how to improve the process of writing docs. (Presentation)

Two-Factor Authentication

Phil Nash takes a look at generating one time passwords, implementing two-factor authentication in web applications and the use cases for QR codes. (Presentation)



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Dynamic Languages Latest Content

TOP Dynamic Languages NEWS HEADLINES

RxJS 5 in Depth

Gerard Sans explains RxJS' data architecture based on reactive programming, exploring Observables API using RxJS koans and unit tests. RxJS 5 focuses on performance and usability. (Presentation)
The next QCon is in San Francisco, Nov 7-11, 2016. Join us!



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Mobile Latest Content


Modern iOS Application Security

Dan Guido talks about the current state of iOS attacks, reviews available security APIs, and reveals why they are not enough to defend against known threats. He talks about the design of the Mobile Application Security Toolkit (MAST) which ties together jailbreak detection, anti-debugging, and anti-reversing in LLVM to address these risks. (Presentation)
The next QCon is in San Francisco, Nov 7-11, 2016. Join us!

Architecture & Design Latest Content

TOP Architecture & Design NEWS HEADLINES

HTTP-RPC: A Lightweight Cross-Platform REST Framework

HTTP-RPC is an open-source framework allowing developers to create and access cross-platform polyglot RESTful web services using a convenient, RPC-like metaphor, while preserving fundamental REST principles such as statelessness and uniform resource access. (Article)

The Seven (More) Deadly Sins of Microservices

Daniel Bryant talks about the 2016 edition of the seven deadly sins that if left unchecked could easily ruin our next microservices project, and some of the nastiest anti-patterns in microservices, providing tools to not only avoid but also slay these demons before they tie up the project in their own special brand of hell. (Presentation)
The next QCon is in San Francisco, Nov 7-11, 2016. Join us!

Lessons Learned on Uber's Journey into Microservices

Emily Reinhold shares stories of how a rapid growth company broke up a monolith into a series of microservices, with practices and lessons that can save time and money. (Presentation)
The next QCon is in San Francisco, Nov 7-11, 2016. Join us!

Automating Security at Slack

Ryan Huber talks about some of the ways Slack approaches collecting, inspecting, and communicating security information to the security team and to the individuals in their organization. He also demonstrates how integrating security into a communication platform helps look at more data by delegating event management to the affected individuals. (Presentation)
The next QCon is in San Francisco, Nov 7-11, 2016. Join us!

Building a Modern Security Engineering Team

Zane Lackey discusses adapting security to change, building security programs, lessons learned from bug bounty programs, running attack simulations and knowing when security has been breached. (Presentation)

Bitcoin Security: 1/10th Cent to a Billion Dollars

Olaf Carlson-Wee explores micropayment and wealth storage use cases for bitcoin and examines the various novel cryptosystems used to facilitate micro-penny payments and secure billions of dollars in global bitcoin banks. (Presentation)

REST Considered Harmful

Ross Garrett explores how design decisions may be leading to poor UX, discussing the principles of reactive applications and how streaming APIs can deliver significant benefits over RESTful APIs. (Presentation)

Culture & Methods Latest Content

TOP Culture & Methods NEWS HEADLINES

Why ALM Is Becoming Indispensable in Safety-Critical Product Development

Integrated Application Lifecycle Management platforms are advancing product development in life and safety critical environments. The story of how Medtronic Neuromodulation were able to modernize their processes using ALM helps us understand current and future trends in the development of complex software-heavy products. (Article)

Don't Break Your Silos - Push Out the Silo Mentality

Organizational silos are a serious hurdle for many companies out there. They may cause a wide variety of problems if not dealt with accordingly. Silos may not need to be broken if you manage to push out the mentality that comes with them by creating ventilators. The first step towards dealing with the silos is to learn more about them and familiarize yourself with the best practices against them. (Article)

Pair Programming in the Cloud with Eclipse Che, Eclipse Flux, Orion, Eclipse IDE and Docker

Sun Tan demos a prototype showing multi-editing and real-time collaboration from 3 different editors -Che, Orion, Eclipse- using a Flux microservice running inside a Che Docker runner. (Presentation)

Culture Eats Principles for Breakfast

Ian Dugmore and Jonathan Smart tells the story of Agile transformation across Barclays, what they have done and how they’ve done it, not only in IT but beyond IT. They look at the challenge of using Agile to bring about culture change from different perspectives, comparing and contrasting what needs to be done at an organizational level to make change happen. (Presentation) 
The next QCon is in San Francisco, Nov 7-11, 2016. Join us!

Full Stack Kanban - Live

Chris Young, who runs a live software system, discusses using Kanban metrics and practices with tools like Graphite and Grafana, and shows how the feedback helps businesses to make informed decisions. (Presentation)

Making a Sandwich: Effective Feedback Techniques

Dan North discusses a number of feedback models and techniques and shows you where and how you can apply them. He explains the infamous and much-misunderstood “sandwich model” of feedback, how it works and why it usually doesn’t, and looks at some of the failure modes of feedback. (Presentation)
The next QCon is in San Francisco, Nov 7-11, 2016. Join us!


John Willis breaks down what we know about Burnout. Willis takes a look at some survey data and tries to suggest ways to achieve healthier outcomes for ourselves and our colleagues. (Presentation)
The next QCon is in San Francisco, Nov 7-11, 2016. Join us!

Data Science Latest Content

Creating Customer-Centric Products Using Big Data

Kriti Sharma talks about how Barclays is solving some of the toughest big data challenges in financial services using scalable, open source technology. He shares case studies in the areas of user experience centric predictive analytics and marketing, personalization of applications and targeted offers, social data analytics and sentiment analysis, open stack and open data collaboration, etc. (Presentation) 
The next QCon is in San Francisco, Nov 7-11, 2016. Join us!

DevOps Latest Content




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Fighting the #fintech Wave with DevOps

Benjamin Wootton discusses doing DevOps in banking and financial institutions, providing advice on performing a DevOps transformation in such an environment. (Presentation)
The next QCon is in San Francisco, Nov 7-11, 2016. Join us!