Reflect on your successes before your next performance review, Eileen Hoenigman Meyer writes. Express that you would like to add value to the company, and ask for feedback about your development.
An overwhelmed email inbox is less stressful if you say "no" to requests that don't align with your priorities, writes Dorie Clark. "Recognizing the downstream consequences and impact on one's time is essential when evaluating your decision," she writes.
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Your LinkedIn profile should feature a professional photo and a summary that highlights your experience, ambitions and personality, writes Blair Decembrele. Enhance your profile with mentions of volunteer work and other activities outside of your job.
If you're having a conflict with a colleague, confront the situation maturely and keep your emotions in check, Gwen Moran writes. Demonstrate empathy by working to understand the other person's point of view.
CBS News executive Karen Raffensperger will lead a workplace council that will hear employee concerns and reports about problems such as sexual harassment. The council's formation comes after eight women accused Charlie Rose of sexual harassment.
Don't panic if you made a mistake during the hiring process, such as sending an incorrect document or misspelling someone's name, says talent acquisition specialist Amanda Corrado. Find out who to contact to correct the error, and acknowledge that mistakes happen.
Dutch officials have closed a road installed with rumble strips that play a tune to alert drivers who are veering off the road. Residents complained the strips were annoying.
Invention, strictly speaking, is little more than a new combination of those images which have been previously gathered and deposited in the memory; nothing can come of nothing.