Checking email regularly throughout the day won't necessarily kill your productivity if you adopt a few simple routines, writes Stacey Lastoe. For instance, try using your "mark as unread" option for items that you aren't prepared to answer right away.
CEOs forgo job applications, and so should you, Liz Ryan writes. Rely on your network to seek opportunities and brand yourself as a consultant to find side projects.
Get with the flow. How payment processing affects cash flow. Cash flow is the lubricant of business. Without a healthy cash flow, business dries up. It stops. It can't function. Which is why it is vital to keep the revenues coming in as the expenses go out. But there's one aspect of cash flow that many of us are not aware of. It is how managing credit cards and other such non-cash payments affect cash flow. Turns out it has a huge affect. Download the free guide today.
Balance helpful information with personal commentary on social media in order to establish a voice that's distinctive, yet professional, Gelise Littlejohn writes. The majority of content you publish should be professional, as opposed to personal.
Low interest rates set by central banks, combined with years of underfunding and other issues, have imperiled the pensions of more than 100 million government workers and retirees around the world. Demographic trends could complicate the issue as more people enter the 60-and-older age group.
Your gut instincts are usually accurate during job interviews as long as they're not based on negative emotions such as nervousness, Alison Green writes. It's OK to turn down a job offer based solely on a bad feeling you got during the interview.
Researchers have identified a region in a rat's brain that is activated when the rat is tickled, but mood plays a part, according to findings published in Science. Happy rats respond to tickling and play, emitting high-pitched giggles, even when researchers stimulated that area of the brain without tickling, but anxious rats did not respond.