Good morning, marketers, if you’re reading this then the A/B test worked!

We recently sat down with email experts April Mullen of Women in Email and Michael Barber, founder of Barber & Hewitt, to talk about how the pandemic has caused a pivot back to that most wonderful and effective of marketing channels: email.

Both experts spoke about the channel’s resurgence, and even Litmus’s latest report on the State of Email Marketing found 78% of marketing execs calling email vital to company success, a 7% jump.

But Mullen and Barber reminded us that this refocus on email comes at a time when there are many advancements and emerging concerns that need attention. Are you up to speed on deliverability tactics as inboxes become more managed platforms? Are you considering BIMI for your brand? And what about dark mode? Does your newsletter adapt to a dark-mode UX?

Get their tips and check out their MarTech Live chat here.

Henry Powderly
VP, Content


Customizable Amazon Sponsored Display ads go live globally

Amazon has rolled out the ability for eligible advertisers to add their brand logo and customize the headline in Sponsored Display ads.

The customized Sponsored Display units can run on product description pages, customer reviews, shopping results pages and under the Featured Offer. The ads render responsively to fit inventory units on the web, mobile and in-app.

Why we care. The personalization features roll out globally just ahead of Prime Day(s) today and tomorrow and the holiday shopping rush to follow. Amazon recommends using Sponsored Display product targeting to boost page views for new or under-exposed products in your catalog.

Learn more »


Webinar--Essential Data Connectivity

With over 8,000 martech tools in Scott Brinker’s landscape, harnessing data for business can be a challenge. But there are some key ways you can maximize resources between marketing and IT teams to leverage insights for better marketing and business outcomes. Join this webinar and learn how to build partnerships between Marketing and IT teams to manage martech tools and connect martech data to reporting tools for improved real-time insights.

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Creating a diverse personnel pipeline is easier than you think

Creating a diverse workforce is a lot easier than most people think, and that was the topic of discussion during Wednesday’s MarTech Live panel discussion that featured Elizabeth Cotton, CEO and founder of Career Mingle and Dennis Schulz, national president and executive director of Blacks in Technology Foundation. 

The panel discussion focused on recruitment tactics and utilizing Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) as personnel pipelines. There are 107 HBCUs in over 20 states in the U.S. as well as Washington, D.C. and the Virgin Islands. The personnel pipeline is made easier by recruiting more diverse candidates who tend to be more loyal employees where they find co-workers that look like them or have similar backgrounds. 

Why we care. Marketers constantly talk about identifying and implementing the proper customer experience. It is a task that can be made easier with a more diverse workforce.

Watch the session replay here »


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Social Short

Video Story ads drive higher engagement than images

If link clicks is your primary objective for your Instagram Story ads, you should consider using video. The average click-through rate on Instagram image story ads is .29% compared to .59% for video story ads, according to a study from Socialinsider and The study looked at 661,565 stories and 64,571 story ads published between April 2019 and September 2020.

Why we care. Link clicks ranked as the top objective for Story ads in the study, followed by conversions. However, video Story ads also outperformed images on tap forward and exit rates and had higher reply rates. The study found 52% of brand Stories are already using video to boost performance and engagement.

What we're reading

We've curated our picks from across the web so you can retire your feed reader.

Responsible Marketing In The Age Of Presidential Campaigns And Pandemics – Forbes

iPhone 12 vs. iPhone 11: Main differences, according to the buzzing rumor mill – CNet

The ripple effect of the Epic Games v. Apple battle royale – Venture Beat

7 COVID Clichés to Avoid in Branded Content Marketing (And What to Say Instead) – Skyword

Tech Should Enable Change, Not Drive It – HBR