Organizing Tips (May 12, 2019)
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Today's Featured Post

Embellishing a Wooden Crate as a Recipe Box

By Sandi/Poor But Proud

Embellishing a Wooden Crate as a Recipe Box - paper, scissors, and other supplies in crateI found this little gem in the donation station in our community room. When I am having my coffee I like to make notes of what I ate and what I want to cook soon. This little crate keeps it all in one place.

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Today's Posts

Tool Organizer

By Robyn

A plastic organizer with sockets stored inside. I wanted to help organize some loose tools, that were all mixed together, in an old bucket. I had seen my husband looking everywhere for the right tool. I decided to use an organizer, that I had previously stored colored rubber bands in. I put the various sizes together so they would be easier to identify.

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Organizing Makeup

By jhenton.102

Organizing MakeupIf you ever have a few small powders or eye shadows that need organizing, you can use a small kids' craft container. It fits small compacts perfectly as well as brushes. You can also customize it with Washi tape or glitter.

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Reusable Dry Erase Pockets

By 15mhhm15

Clear pockets for holding worksheets.If you have kids, these reusable dry erase pockets are extremely useful. The trim of the pockets are neon and fun which attracts attention of the littles ones! No need for laminating papers, just slide the worksheet(s) in and allow your kids to be able to write on them like a dry eraser board.

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