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Alex Jones Here With An Emergency Saturday Broadcast -- Spread This Link To Warn Others About The Open Border!

In today's LIVE SATURDAY SHOW, Owen Shroyer, the Infowars crew, and I travel to the southern border in McAllen, Texas to reveal more pieces of the illegal immigration pipeline from South and Central America through Mexico into the United States, including secret flights out of a private airport, hidden holding centers for illegal immigrants, and much more.

Tune into Monday-Friday from 11AM-3PM Central and Sunday 4-6 PM Central to watch the most banned broadcast in the world with breaking news and commentary exclusively from me and other great Infowars hosts and guests!

Tell your friends and family to tune into to watch today's broadcast and beat the Big Tech censors! As Infowars faces unprecedented censorship, it's more important than ever that you spread this link.

Remember, if you're receiving this email, you are the resistance!

