Emily B. Successfully Overcame Rheumatoid Arthritis Following the Starch Solution


I wanted to share my success story thanks to Dr. McDougall! 

I've had Rheumatoid Arthritis for almost 8 years and a few weeks ago I was told by my doctor that I could stop my medication! I started on the Starch Solution when I got diagnosed but slipped back into eating vegan junk food because I didn't address my mental health. In May of 2022, I started talk therapy and devoted myself again to a whole food plant-based, oil and gluten-free diet. I stopped drinking alcohol in February, lost 40 pounds and finally got off of Xeljanz! 

Witnessing my doctor suspend that medication in their system next to the words "high-risk drug" made my decision feel so valid. My inflammation markers are in the normal range now! Meditating and exercising daily and incorporating strength training to keep the inflammation down are also key.

I am so thankful for this community!

Emily B.

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For 35+ years, we've empowered people to lose weight, heal and thrive with a starch-based lifestyle.

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