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Thursday, 2 July 2020

Emirates airline refunds over $500m to passengers

Emirates airline still has over 500,000 refund requests to process, according to Adnan Kazim,...
Dubai sugar refinery runs at full speed on good demand
Al Khaleej Sugar, the world's largest port-based sugar refinery, expects to keep operating its...
Saudi Arabia to Bahrain causeway said to reopen late July
The King Fahd Causeway shut on March 7 as part of the precautionary measures implemented by Saudi...

Chinese firm Terminus to deploy programmable robots at Expo 2020 Dubai

As part of the deal, Terminus Technologies will set up its first headquarters outside of China at...
Dubai Aerospace Enterprise mulls more rent deferrals amid pandemic impact
The Dubai-based aircraft leasing company has granted 29 rent deferral requests and is considering...
Iraq seeks IMF loan, Saudi investments to boost oil-battered economy
The IMF and Iraq are in 'intensive' negotiations about a loan that would probably be a maximum of...

UAE version of 'Come Dine with Me' looking for hosts to apply

Popular series being brought to the region by OSN in collaboration with ITV Studios Middle East
WHO says Middle East at 'critical threshold' in virus numbers
WHO's Middle East head said passing a million infections marked a 'concerning milestone' and...
Kuwaiti gunman shoots himself after firing shots at security vehicle
Incident happened in Ali Sabah AlSalem area on Wednesday night

Arabian Business: why we're going behind a paywall

Great, independent content has value and we believe publishers and media houses should be at the...

In pictures: Japanese rocket will launch the UAE's Mars Hope Probe

Sheikh Mohammed has reviewed the final preparations of the Emirates Mars Mission's Hope Probe is...

Video: Saudi Arabia's latest VAT hike a 'triple whammy' for country: CEO

Tarek Fadlallah from Nomura Asset Management explains how Saudi Arabia's "virtually unprecedented...
Editor's Choice

UAE says no tourism travel allowed in latest update

Authorities said residents can only travel back to their home countries and return
Saudi clothing retailer Alhokair cuts staff pay, mulls further measures
Fawaz Abdulaziz Alhokair reported $182m full-year loss
Kuwait's Agility seeks $150m cost saving to tackle virus
Agility said it's strongly positioned to take advantages of e-commerce opportunities in the region
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Editor, ArabianBusiness.com
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