More than 4% of employees have put sensitive corporate data into the large language model, raising concerns that its popularity may result in massive leaks of proprietary information.
More than 4% of employees have put sensitive corporate data into the large language model, raising concerns that its popularity may result in massive leaks of proprietary information.
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 March 09, 2023
Employees Are Feeding Sensitive Biz Data to ChatGPT, Raising Security Fears
More than 4% of employees have put sensitive corporate data into the large language model, raising concerns that its popularity may result in massive leaks of proprietary information.
TSA Issues Urgent Directive to Make Aviation More Cyber Resilient
Will stricter cybersecurity requirements make flying safer? The TSA says yes, and sees it as a time-sensitive imperative.
AI-Powered 'BlackMamba' Keylogging Attack Evades Modern EDR Security
Researchers warn that polymorphic malware created with ChatGPT and other LLMs will force a reinvention of security automation.
What GoDaddy's Years-Long Breach Means for Millions of Clients
The same "sophisticated" threat actor has pummeled the domain host on an ongoing basis since 2020, making off with customer logins, source code, and more. Here's what to do.
Key Proposals in Biden's Cybersecurity Strategy Face Congressional Challenges
The strategy document does nothing to change things on the ground in the near term; legislation, regulation, and follow-up executive action are all going to be key to moving forward the administration's agenda.'s OAuth Implementation Allows Full Account Takeover
Researchers exploited issues in the authentication protocol to force an open redirection from the popular hotel reservations site when users used Facebook to log in to accounts.
EV Charging Infrastructure Offers an Electric Cyberattack Opportunity
Attackers have already targeted electric vehicle (EV) charging stations, and experts are calling for cybersecurity standards to protect this necessary component of the electrified future.
Emotet Resurfaces Yet Again After 3-Month Hiatus
More than two years after a major takedown by law enforcement, the threat group is once again proving just how impervious it is against disruption attempts.
CISA, MITRE Look to Take ATT&CK Framework Out of the Weeds
The Decider tool is designed to make the ATT&CK framework more accessible and usable for security analysts of every level, with an intuitive interface and simplified language.
Everybody Wants Least Privilege, So Why Isn't Anyone Achieving It?
Overcoming the obstacles of this security principle can mitigate the damages of an attack.
Rising Public Cloud Adoption Is Accelerating Shadow Data Risks
Using a risk-based approach to deal with policy violations and continuous compliance monitoring will help avoid data exposures and fines.
Ransomware's Favorite Target: Critical Infrastructure and Its Industrial Control Systems
The health, manufacturing, and energy sectors are the most vulnerable to ransomware.
The Role of Verifiable Credentials In Preventing Account Compromise
As digital identity verification challenges grow, organizations need to adopt a more advanced and forward-focused approach to preventing hacks.

Scams Security Pros Almost Fell For
By working together as an industry, we can develop the technologies needed to account for human error.

It's Time to Assess the Potential Dangers of an Increasingly Connected World
With critical infrastructures ever more dependent on the cloud connectivity, the world needs a more stable infrastructure to avoid a crippling cyberattack.

Biden's Cybersecurity Strategy Calls for Software Liability, Tighter Critical Infrastructure Security
The new White House plan outlines proposed minimum security requirements in critical infrastructure — and for shifting liability for software products to vendors.

Name That Edge Toon: Domino Effect
Come up with a clever caption, and our panel of experts will reward the winner with a $25 Amazon gift card.

Machine Learning Improves Prediction of Exploited Vulnerabilities
The third iteration of the Exploit Prediction Scoring System (EPSS) performs 82% better than previous versions, giving companies a better tool for evaluating vulnerabilities and prioritizing patching.
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  • SecDevOps: The Smart Way to Shift Left

    DevOps has changed the way software is developed, written, and run. But many organizations are still trying to figure out how to build security into application development. In this webinar, experts discuss the integration of security and DevOps - sometimes ...

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