White House reviews regulations for H-1B worker visas | Ideas for supporting remote workers, workplace culture | Could chief restructuring officer be next addition to C-suite?
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The Trump administration is reviewing two fast-track regulations -- one that would narrow the definition of "specialty occupation" in the H-1B visa program and another that would increase the wages companies are required to pay -- in an effort to ensure that foreign employees don't displace American workers in the same location and occupation. "Companies across multiple industries are very concerned about the potential disruption these proposals will inflict upon their operations," says the US Chamber of Commerce's Jon Baselice.
Resiliency on the road to retirement How has the first ESG-driven TDF Series navigated the COVID-19 crisis? Views on the design, purpose, and performance of the Natixis Sustainable Future Funds® at its three-year mark are shared by Portfolio Manager Chris Sharpe.
Employers are experimenting with new ways to support worker needs and maintain a vibrant workplace culture while remote working remains the norm. ServiceNow in Santa Clara, Calif. distributed $500 to all remote workers, during the early stages of the pandemic, to cover wellness services, then later increased the payout to $700 to help support other needs, such as technology for children attending school online.
The Future of the Employee Experience Get the most up-to-date version of the Employee Experience Model with the latest research from the Brandon Hall Group and O.C. Tanner. Together they show the steady evolution of the employee experience and outline where your organization's focus should be to see success in the coming years.
Introducing Fidelity® Health Savings Funds The industry's first mutual funds developed for investing in HSAs, designed to help people address the uncertainty of saving for medical expenses. Learn more
Our strong tendency to judge other people's behavior using the "fundamental attribution error" contributes to workplace bias, according to Live in Their World CEO Robin Rosenberg. "Turn on your empathy. Change your attributions, and the behaviors that flow from them will change, too," Rosenberg urges.
The pandemic has highlighted the importance of child care, and some companies are assisting their employees in this area. Some companies are offering such perks as flexible working hours, subsidies to pay for child care and even online camps and classes for employees' children.
Emotions are a natural part of your life, so try to rely on empathy and respect in decision-making rather than anger, fear or panic, writes Kate Nasser. "As you develop your skill of balancing emotion and critical thinking, you will be the model for your employees to do the same," she writes.