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Support from HMRC
Dear customer,
Here’s a forward look at the live webinars scheduled for April – so get your diary out and let’s make a date. 
We’ve included the first available date, but other dates may be available – please select the one that suits you best. You can ask questions throughout our live webinars using the on-screen text box.
Payroll – annual reports and tasks
What you need to know about finalising this tax year and getting ready for the new tax year.
Monday 3 April – 9.45am to 10.45am
Statutory Sick Pay
Find out who qualifies, what to pay, key dates and record keeping.
Wednesday 12 April – 9.45am to 10.45am
Statutory Maternity and Paternity Pay
We’ll look at entitlement, how much to pay, terminology, key dates and record keeping.
Monday 17 April – 11.45am to 12.45pm
Expenses and benefits for your employees – travel 
From reimbursing travel and subsistence costs to paying flat rates – find out more in this webinar.
Wednesday 19 April – 9.45am to 10.45am
Expenses and benefits for your employees – phones, internet and homeworking
Get information about providing mobile phones, internet connection and more during this webinar.
Friday 21 April – 9.45am to 10.45am
Expenses and benefits for your employees – company cars, vans and fuel
Join us for the latest rates and how to work out what to include in your payroll or on form P11D.
Monday 24 April – 9.45am to 10.45am
Expenses and benefits for your employees – social functions and parties
If you provide annual functions for your employees, find out what information must be reported.
Wednesday 26 April – 11.45am to 12.45pm
Expenses and benefits for your employees – trivial benefits
This webinar looks at what counts as a trivial benefit, conditions to be met and exemptions.
Friday 28 April – 9.45am to 10.45am
Need more help? We also offer a range of recorded webinars and short YouTube videos on GOV‌‌‌.UK.
We’ll keep you updated with what’s on throughout April, so watch out for our next email.
Yours faithfully
Geoff Greensmith  
Head of Digital Engagement and Communication Services 
Stay safe online
For more information, please search 'avoid and report internet scams and phishing' on GOV​.UK.
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