Looking for Home Health Resources? We have tons!

Fill out the OASIS quickly, efficiently, and accurately through easy item reference

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This brand-new pocket guide provides a quick reference for filling out the OASIS, with tips and callouts on new items, including which items affect case mix, rating, and value-based purchasing reimbursement. This reference explains how OASIS items fit into various assessments and provides troubleshooting tips to avoid incorrect payments, denials, and fines.

Looking for more home care resources? We have TONS!

Easily prepare an in-service training program for the entire calendar year without having to coordinate staff schedules for on-site training
Fulfill CMS’ annual 12-hour training requirement for homecare
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Train your nurses and aides, satisfying CMS’ requirement of completing 12 in-service training hours annually
Get customizable learning activities and games
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Strategies to help agencies provide quality patient care and easily achieve regulatory compliance
Get case studies and advice for managing documentation risk (includes a checklist)
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integrate high-quality documentation processes into effective care management practices.
Improve therapy documentation accuracy to ensure payment and compliance
Learn more or order now!
Want even more? View ALL of our home health books here!
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Looking for home health training, webinars or online learning?
View our other resources here!
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