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Dr. David Jeremiah

December 15, 2016

How to Help Our Kids Love God’s Word

“And these words which I command you today shall be in your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, when you walk by the way, when you lie down, and when you rise up.“ Deuteronomy 6:6-7 (NKJV)

She was late.

We had agreed to meet at 6:30 and it was almost 7 when I finally saw my teenage daughter strolling through the mall toward where I sat, waiting. Now I’d be late to my board meeting.

In my frustration, I did what many of us parents have done — I reacted and jumped to a wrong conclusion.

When we got home, the truth came out that her watch was broken. She thought she had indeed arrived on time. Gulp.

I penitently made my way to her bedroom where I heard her sniffling and knocked.

“May I come in?”

“Yes,” she said.

“Honey, I am sorry,” I began. “I blew it. I didn’t even ask you. Can you ever forgive me?”

She looked up at me through her tears and said, “Sure Dad, everyone makes mistakes.” We held each other for a few minutes, and I went on to my meeting.

My children are grown now. All four of our children are married and have families of their own, but I have to admit there were some days I wasn’t sure we would get here. Donna and I made some mistakes along the way. My children know all my faults. But I learned one of the best things I could do was be honest with my kids and apologize for my mistakes.

Our biggest failures as parents can become the greatest opportunities to illustrate genuine faith to our kids. When we admit our wrongs and allow our kids to see our humanity, to see how we mess up just like anyone else, it catches their attention. It allows us to set a biblical example of humility, love and forgiveness for them to follow.

My own dad taught me how to admit my mistakes, ask for forgiveness and have the humility to reveal my human weaknesses to my kids. His willingness to admit his wrongs impressed me when I was young. I realized he had faults just like me. And he let me see him seeking God and praying through those weaknesses. It impacted me for life.

Deuteronomy 6:6-9 offers a roadmap for how we are to live out our faith in front of our children. What we believe must make its way into our daily attitudes, conversations and routines.

The old adage is true about parenting: More is caught than taught.

We can teach our kids what the Bible says, but if we want them to live according to its truth, we need to live it. If we want our kids to have a growing faith and love God’s Word, we need to demonstrate its importance in our lives. A “Do as I say, not as I do” approach to parenting will fall flat.

We can’t fake it as parents. If we don’t model a genuine relationship with Jesus Christ, there is little chance our children will grow up to possess what we lack. Even if we didn’t get it right when our kids were young, we can start now. How?

Begin by seeking the Lord today. Read His Word daily. Connect with your church. Make God’s Word a necessary part of your daily life and watch Him renew a hunger and thirst for Him today. Allow your kids to be a part of that process. Allow them to see the importance and joy of God’s Word in your life. By the grace of God, may they learn to lean on God and develop a growing love for Him and His Word.

Lord, help me embrace Your Word. But most of all, help me to live it. Help me be the kind of parent who will inspire my children to please You, because that’s what they see being lived out in my life. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.

Proverbs 24:3-4 “Through wisdom a house is built, And by understanding it is established; by knowledge the rooms are filled With all precious and pleasant riches.” (NKJV)

Are you looking for exciting ways to get your kids engaged in the Word of God? Turning Point Ministries’ new Airship Genesis Kids Study Bible by Dr. David Jeremiah gives elementary age children the solid truth of God’s Word with the creative content and quality they deserve.

Visit for exciting monthly audio episodes following the adventures of the Genesis Exploration Squad.

Enter to WIN a copy of Airship Genesis Kids Study Bible by Dr. David Jeremiah. In celebration of this book, Turning Point Ministries is giving away 5 copies! Enter to win by leaving a comment here. {We'll randomly select 5 winners and email notifications to each one by Monday, December 19.}

Do you have a love and excitement for the Word that transmits to your family? Take time to pray and ask Jesus for a renewed hunger for the Word and readiness to speak His truth in your home.

© 2016 by Dr. David Jeremiah. All rights reserved.

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