Three students sit on a concrete barrier, trees behind them. "Encourage lifelong learning, with OpenCourseWare." appears over the image in white text

“It’s [a] one of a kind resource which inculcates the habit of lifelong learning in the meantime freeing learners of financial and geographical constraints. As said in the words [of] Prof Patrick Winston ‘MIT is about ideas’ and in my opinion this is one of the most important ones.”

Aaditya, Student, India

Dear John, 

For 23 years, MIT OpenCourseWare has been sharing MIT’s educational resources, freely and openly, with the world. Hundreds of millions of people, like Aaditya, have learned with us — taking what they need from our rich collection of course materials to transform their learning journeys, advance their careers, and inspire their own students.

John, we’ve been able to unlock MIT’s knowledge to empower all these minds — year after year, decade after decade — in large part because of the support of learners and friends like you. By trusting us with your educational and professional goals, you motivate us to explore more and better ways to open access to life-changing knowledge. If you’re in the position to give, will you consider donating to OpenCourseWare to help us carry on this important work?

With your support, we’ll continue to work with MIT faculty to share even more cutting-edge research and inspired teaching with you and your fellow OCW community members. Thank you for your generosity, and for learning with us.


Curt Newton

Director, MIT OpenCourseWare

P.S. While donations are vital to sustaining OpenCourseWare for the future, we understand that donating may not be an option for everyone. Here are some other ways you can contribute to our work.


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