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Kills more cancer cells than a dose of radiation

Why am I getting this?
[CANCER BREAKTHROUGH] Natural compound being used in 700 Japanese hospitals

Tumors have at least five different ways they evade and manipulate the immune system to escape detection.


But one remarkable, 100% natural substance from Japan can put the immune system on "high alert" so that even the most stealth invaders can't sneak past.

It works by igniting the most tenacious immune cells in the human body... Including cancer’s arch nemesis: Natural Killer (NK) cells.

In fact, research shows this mysterious Japanese compound doubles—even triples—NK cell activity in just two weeks.

Find out what else it can do (and how it saved the life of one pancreatic cancer patient) in this exclusive report.

Click here

END long COVID fatigue (and more)

Dear Reader,

It's estimated that 25 percent of everyone who gets COVID will also get long COVID. This is when symptoms persist for months, if not years.

That's one in four victims!

I've written about the depth of this problem in previous e-letters.

And I've touched on how you can help protect yourself.

But now, an exciting new study suggests a supplemental blend may put an END to some of the most nagging symptoms of long COVID, once and for all.

[Cancer Breakthrough] Could chemo be replaced with THIS?

Ask any exterminator…

If you don’t kill the queen, the hive just keeps coming back. The same is true of tumors.

It seems obvious enough. And yet, that’s precisely where most mainstream cancer treatments fall short.

They don’t actually get to the root of the cancer—the “mother” of the tumor. Stanford School of Medicine confirms it.

But a group of researchers discovered that a natural compound does what even one of the most widely used drugs for breast cancer could not do. Kill the queen.

Go HERE to see the stunning research and hear the remarkable stories of people who say they were saved by this treatment.

Click here

A natural ally

In a small study, researchers looked at the potential of L-arginine and vitamin C against lingering COVID symptoms.

Subjects received either a supplemental blend—1.66 grams of L-arginine for four to seven weeks, which increased to 10 to 12 grams for eight weeks, and 500 mg of liposomal vitamin C—or placebo for 28 days.

(The study authors believe this combination can enhance nitric oxide [NO] production in the body. NO helps blood vessels relax, which improves blood flow.)

Researchers then analyzed physical performance, handgrip strength, endothelial function, and fatigue.

After just four to eight weeks of supplementation, subjects taking the natural duo experienced a clinically meaningful improvement in muscle strength (measured by handgrip).

In addition, both blood flow and physical performance (during exercise) improved.

And, notably, feelings of fatigue—the most common lingering symptom of COVID—reduced.

Don't despair
While this study was small—only 46 participants—it's a good start.

L-arginine is often used in people with low pulmonary function, low aerobic capacity, or chronic lung diseases (all of which affect one's breathing and physical activity levels).

And you probably already know that vitamin C helps keep your immune system firing on all cylinders (especially during cold, flu, and coronavirus season).

But I believe this is just the beginning… there have to be more nutritional supplements to consider in our quest against long COVID.

Especially because long COVID isn't a distinct set of symptoms. As I reported recently, it's a LONG list. Sure, fatigue often tops that list. But that's just one of many.

Ultimately, I'm afraid this will become a mystery that modern medicine can't solve, like chronic fatigue or Lyme disease.

But the message here is to not despair… break down your individual symptoms and then start searching for nutritional supplements that can help improve each.

And be sure to work with your primary care doctor, who can help recommend specific dosages based on your needs.

If you'd like to learn more about my top immune health recommendations (against COVID and more), I encourage you to take a look at my Complete Guide to Year-Round Immunity.

Until next time,

Dr. Fred


"Researchers propose L-arginine blend to restore performance and relieve long Covid." 12/02/2022. (
Does your WATER FILTER do this?
Toss Your Alkaline Water Down the Drain

Many people concerned about their health make sure to drink high-pH, alkaline water.

But it turns out they're wasting their time. You might as well toss that stuff down the drain.

But if you're interested in staying healthy and boosting energy, there is far healthier water you can drink.

Click here to discover what it is.
Click here

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