Film Today
Today's top stories
End of the Century director / First, gay men have sex – then they go for wine and cheese
First, gay men have sex – then they go for wine and cheese
'Love and free food' / Mel Brooks and Carl Reiner share the secrets of their 70-year friendship
Mel Brooks and Carl Reiner share the secrets of their 70-year friendship
Ben Affleck's Batman was hard to like – but the man himself deserves some empathy
Ben Affleck's Batman was hard to like – but the man himself deserves some empathy
David Mitchell: ‘I see myself as a coward’
David Mitchell: ‘I see myself as a coward’
My Hero Academia: Heroes Rising review – workies save the world
My Hero Academia: Heroes Rising review – workies save the world
End of the Century review – post-coital reverie of sex, love and memory
End of the Century review – post-coital reverie of sex, love and memory
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