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Plus: Unraveling the pernicious myth of meritocracy, and more…
December 23, 2020
End the Cops’ Cannibalization of Our Budgets

“Defund the police” is not an austerity measure. It’s a demand that we put police department budgets to better use. 

By Melissa Gira Grant


Meritocracy on Trial It undermines equality and the common good.By Win McCormack
The Lethal Inequality on American Farms During the pandemic, a broken system for migrant laborers turned even more deadly. By Jonah Goldman Kay


The Green Fantasy and Messy Reality of Nuclear Power Biden is flirting with the idea of rejuvenating the industry to help decarbonize the economy—and there are skeptics in spades.By Mike Pearl
Monopolization Is Killing Art The pandemic has only accelerated a years-long trend of cultural homogenization—and it is bound to get worse. By Josephine Livingstone


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