Can we actually learn how to be present?
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Dear friends,

Can we actually learn how to be present?

The answer is a resounding YES.

In the words of Eckhart, “If something within you responds to what I'm saying, then you are ready and can learn to be present in daily life.”

To help you in the journey of bringing Presence to your own life, we’re pleased to offer you a limited-time opportunity to sign up for Eckhart Tolle Now with three months of membership for the price of one.

You pay just $19.95, and your membership is valid for 90 days. This special offer ends on Tuesday, February 11.

I Want to Join the Community!

Here’s what one member of Eckhart Tolle Now recently shared about her experience:

“Looking back now, I can see how transformative Eckhart Tolle Now has been. I’ve been able to listen to hours of teachings every day (when I wake up in the morning, in my car on the way to work, at night in bed when I can’t sleep, etc.). I didn’t realize it at first, but the stillness in Eckhart’s talks has helped to calm down the activity in my mind, no matter how crazy life gets.

“I’ve also learned so much from Kim [Eng]'s teachings and the inner body meditations. For the first time in my life, I really feel like I can tune deeply into my inner body and have peace of mind. It’s a practice I’m able to use every day.

“I am so grateful for Eckhart Tolle Now and the opportunity to have Eckhart and Kim as my ‘online spiritual teachers.’”

This offer ends on Tuesday, February 11. Sign up for this special offer today.
Your friends at Eckhart Teachings

P.S. If you have any questions, please contact us at

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