Jambo John,

Last year during our Awakening Adventure, I bluntly asked Sasha, channeled by Lyssa Royal Holt, “How do we self-realize and live a life of embodied enlightenment?”

And she stunned me with her response, “Mike, you can’t make it happen, it’s not a doing… it’s more of an undoing.”

I also asked her about performing miracles, and she said, “Mastery over the physical elements comes after mastery of self… miracles are the by-product.”

Want to learn more? Me too! Let’s undo this, John!

On April 25, I’m kicking off a brand new 4-WEEK CHANNELED COURSE:

The UNdoing: A Road Map from Awakening to Self-realization.🌀

Doors open TODAY, John. Register now and choose what you’ll pay. 

Click HERE to let the UNdoing begin!

This will be profound beyond belief,

P.S. John, over 3,000 people watched my channeled interview with Sasha last year. Click here to see this awesome clip of her event!

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