Also, don't forget to download the latest issues of MSB and CRCJ
Friday, May 4, 2018

Weekly Roundup: Accreditation and Regulatory Requirements

Featured content: HIPAA compliance is no myth

A sound understanding of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) and how to apply its requirements in practical, real-world settings is the foundation of a successful compliance program—one that fulfills an organization’s legal obligations while defending patients, staff, and the organization from cyberattacks and damaging privacy violations.

Taskforce: Burnout may cost the healthcare industry $17 billion a year

Hospitals and health systems may be losing billions of dollars due to physician burnout, according to a paper released by the National Taskforce for Humanity in Healthcare (NTH). The NTH estimates that burnout-related turnover may cost health systems up to $1.7 billion annually for hospital-employed physicians and up to $17 billion across all U.S. physician.

Heard this week

Free resource: Sample H&P privilege language

There are a variety of viable ways to approach the delineation of medical history and physical exam (H&P) privileges. Attached is a sampling of core privilege statements for various disciplines. Some address H&Ps in explicit terms, and others use alternative language.

Quick tip: Ensure microhospitals comply with EMTALA

Since microhospitals are currently subject to regulations developed decades ago and with larger acute care institutions in mind, they can run into compliance obstacles that their traditional counterparts don’t often encounter or are better equipped to handle. Compared to a tertiary hospital, resources can be tight and clinical expertise narrowly concentrated in a scaled-down facility.


New Content: Members Only

The ongoing ‘aging physicians’ dilemma: Is a policy necessary?

Published 5/2/18

According to the AMA, nearly a quarter of physicians actively practicing in the United States in 2015 were age 65 or older. In a world where longer life spans and delayed retirement have become commonplace, this statistic is not particularly shocking, but it points to a question that hospital medical staffs continually struggle to answer: When physicians reach a certain “advanced age,” should they be required to undergo some sort of regular evaluation to make sure their cognitive and physical skills are still up to par?

New issues of MSB and CRCJ available for download!

Published 4/30/18

CRC members can peruse all the online articles from the April 2018 issues of Credentialing Resource Center Journal and Medical Staff Briefing—as well as full-color PDFs—here:

To access the relevant full-issue PDF, select "DOWNLOAD FULL ISSUE" at the top of the page.


CRC Announcements

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Writing books/columns and speaking on webinars and at seminars are great ways to share your industry knowledge with peers. With the guidance of a solid publishing company, you’ll see your thoughts and tips become beacons to others in your field. We’re always looking for new authors, speakers, and reviewers. For more than 20 years, HCPro has been a leading provider of integrated healthcare information, education, training, and consulting products. Among HCPro’s need-to-know information products are a vast array of books, newsletters, websites, annual webinars, and annual live events.






Product Spotlight

Performance Indicators: Clinical Specialty–Specific Strategies and Samples

Order your copy today!


Contact Us

Karen Kondilis
Managing Editor
Credentialing Resource Center

35 Village Road, Suite 200
Middleton, MA 01949

For advertising and marketing opportunities with the Credentialing Resource Center, please email



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