NWC Update
Network Computing
August 08, 2024
Hottest Places to Find a Tech Job
The Evolution of Cyber Resiliency and the Role of Adaptive Exposure Management
As cyber threats continue to evolve in complexity and frequency, organizations must adopt a cybersecurity strategy as dynamic as the threats they aim to combat.

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Harnessing DPUs & How DPUs are Changing Data Centers
By Bob Wallace, Featured Writer
DPUs (data processing units) are gaining favor as they are extensively used to accelerate AI and ML workloads by offloading tasks such as neural network inference and training from CPUs and GPUs.
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The Time is Now for Network-as-a-Service (NaaS)
By Woody Sessoms, Chief Business Officer, Graphiant
Modern NaaS solutions fully disaggregate control and data planes, hosting control functions in the cloud. As a result, they benefit from practically unlimited (and inexpensive) cloud computing capacity to keep costs low, even as they maintain privacy and guaranteed performance.
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This Is Not a Simulation: How Cloud-Based Solutions Help Farmers Improve Every Season
By Chris Winkler, Dir. of Digital Software/ Solutions, John Deere
The agriculture industry has been using GPS connectivity for decades, but faster and more persistent connectivity is needed to allow farmers to use autonomous technology.
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  • Integrating Virtual Prototyping into Diverse PLM Landscapes

    As high-tech companies evolve, they often find themselves managing a complex array of internal systems, each serving a unique purpose in their product development cycle. In this engaging panel discussion, industry experts and thought leaders will delve into the intricacies ...

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Campus NaaS: Remaking the Campus Network
To meet the ever-evolving connectivity and security needs posed by remote users and managed services, campus networks are adopting a Network-as-a-Service approach. Read More
SASE: This Time It’s Personal
Personal SASE involves putting all the key networking and security functions at the user edge where most data is created and consumed – while retaining necessary IT controls over security policy and network observability. Read More
Why the Network Matters to Generative AI
Multi-cloud networking is becoming increasingly important to the success of generative AI because the architectural pattern—whether at the board or application layer—always depends on the ability to transfer data between components. Read More

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