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EPA rule goes into effect tomorrow, plus articles on human trafficking and suicide prevention
Tuesday, August 20, 2019

News Headlines

Ensure compliance with EPA rule: Ban all sewering of hazardous waste drugs
Source: Accreditation Insider

A new EPA regulation banning the sewering of hazardous waste pharmaceuticals that goes into effect August 21.

New Sentinel Event categories focus on Post-Discharge Suicides
Source: Accreditation Insider

While suicide overall often has been in the top sentinel events, this breakdown includes two categories that split suicide events into those involving an inpatient and events involving a patient within 72 hours of discharge.


Inside Accreditation & Quality

TJC returns focus to human trafficking
Source: Inside Accreditation & Quality

“The timing couldn’t be better to train staff to recognize these victims,” says TJC associate director Elizabeth Even, MSN, RN, CEN

Think carefully before using security officers to monitor high-risk patients
Source: Patient Safety Monitor Journal 

Probably the best practice, however, is not to use them at all.


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Webinar Spotlight

Date: September 10, 2019, 1:00 pm

Presenter: Jennifer Cowel, RN, MHSA, CEO, Patton Healthcare Consulting Inc.

CMS and accrediting organizations are increasing the pressure on hospitals to better identify patients at risk for suicide and to mitigate or even eliminate ligature risks in facilities. This pressure includes more frequent threats to accreditation. What’s changed in 2019, and what hospitals can do to meet expectations and avoid immediate jeopardy? This webinar will include a rundown of the new expectations outlined in Joint Commission FAQs, provide examples of problems identified in actual CMS and Joint Commission surveys, and photos of problems seen and solved.


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Contact the Editor

Brian Ward, Associate Editor
